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How to Run Internet Mail Wizard on a Dual-Homed Server


Use the following procedure to configure a dual-homed Exchange server with two SMTP virtual servers to send and receive Internet mail.


To run the Internet Mail Wizard on a dual-homed server

  1. Start Exchange System Manager: Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Exchange, and then click System Manager.

  2. In the console tree, right-click your Exchange organization, and then click Internet Mail Wizard. The Welcome to the Internet Mail Wizard page appears.

    The Welcome to the Internet Mail Wizard page


  3. Click Next.

  4. On the Prerequisites for Internet Mail page, read the requirements, ensure that you have performed the tasks listed, and then click Next.

    The Prerequisites for Internet Mail page


    Your server must satisfy the following conditions:

    • You have registered your company's SMTP domain or domains with an Internet registrar.

    • The Exchange server that you want to configure for Internet e-mail has an Internet IP address assigned to it.

    • DNS is correctly configured. Your DNS server must have a mail exchanger (MX) record pointing to the Internet IP address of your Exchange server and your DNS server must be able to resolve external Internet names.


      For information about how to configure DNS, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 315982, "HOW TO: Configure DNS Records for Your Web Site in Windows 2000" (

  5. On the Server Selection page, under Server, select the Exchange server that you want to configure to send and receive Internet e-mail.

    The Server Selection page



    Only servers running Exchange 2000 Server and later are available for selection. As stated earlier, you cannot run the wizard on earlier versions of Exchange.

    As noted on the Server Selection page, you cannot run Internet Mail Wizard if any of the following conditions exist on your server:

    • Your server is part of a Windows cluster

    • Your server is part of a Network Load Balancing cluster.

    • Your server has multiple network interface cards configured with separate networks in which IP routing is enabled between the networks

  6. Click Next.

  7. On the Wizard in Progress page, Internet Mail Wizard checks your server configuration to ensure that the server meets all necessary prerequisites. After the wizard checks these conditions, the results display under Report.

    The Wizard in Progress page


    Select the appropriate option:

    • If your server meets the necessary conditions, click Next.

    • If your server does not meet the necessary requirements, review the report, and then click Back to select another server, or click Cancel to exit the wizard.

  8. On the Internet E-mail Functions page, you can specify whether you want this server to send Internet e-mail, receive Internet e-mail, or send and receive Internet e-mail. To configure your server to send and receive e-mail, select both the Receive Internet e-mail and Send Internet e-mail check boxes. The wizard creates an SMTP connector so you can send mail to all external address or to specified addresses.

    The Internet E-mail Functions page



    To receive incoming Internet e-mail, the server must have only one SMTP virtual server with a default IP address of "All Unassigned" and an assigned TCP port of 25. The default IP address is the address on which the SMTP virtual server listens on port 25 for incoming SMTP connections. A value of "All Unassigned" means that the SMTP virtual server listens on any of the available IP addresses. If more than one SMTP virtual server exists on the Exchange server, or if the IP information or the TCP port assignments are different, the wizard will not continue. However, you can restore the Exchange server to its default configuration and rerun the wizard, or you can use Exchange System Manager to configure Exchange manually.


    To send outgoing Internet e-mail, the Exchange server cannot already be configured as a bridgehead for any SMTP connectors in the Exchange organization.

  9. Click Next.

  10. On the Configure Your Server page, under Configure the dual-homed Internet gateway topology, click Yes to configure a dual-homed gateway server. Internet Mail Wizard then configures one SMTP virtual server to accept incoming mail using the Internet IP address and a second SMTP virtual server to send mail using an intranet IP address.


    To configure a server as a dual-homed gateway, your server must have static IP addresses assigned to each network interface card. Otherwise, the Yes button is unavailable.

    The Configure Your Server page


  11. Click Next.

  12. On the Create two SMTP virtual servers page, create two SMTP virtual servers and assign each one the proper IP address.

    The Create Two SMTP virtual servers page


    Select the correct IP addresses for each SMTP virtual server:

    • In the Internet SMTP virtual server IP list, assign an Internet IP address to the SMTP virtual server that accepts incoming Internet e-mail. To send mail to your users, external SMTP servers must be able to connect to your SMTP virtual server that accepts incoming Internet mail; therefore you must assign an Internet IP address to your SMTP virtual server.

    • In the Default SMTP virtual server IP (Intranet IP) list, assign an intranet IP to the SMTP virtual server that sends Internet mail. You must assign an intranet IP address to this server to allow only your authenticated internal users to send Internet mail using the SMTP virtual server.

  13. Click Next

  14. On the SMTP Domains for Inbound Mail page, under SMTP domains, all the existing recipient policies for SMTP addresses configured in your Exchange organization are displayed. Ensure that all the SMTP domains for which you want to accept Internet mail are displayed.

    The address displayed in bold is the primary SMTP address, and this address displays as the return address on your users' outgoing mail.

    The SMTP domains for which you want to receive Internet mail are configured in Exchange System Manager in Recipient Policies. You must have a recipient policy configured for every SMTP domain for which you want to accept Internet mail, and Exchange must be authoritative for this domain.

    If you created multiple recipient policies in Exchange System Manager, you cannot use the wizard to create additional recipient policies. In this case, if you need to add or modify your recipient policies, you must use Exchange System Manager.

    The SMTP Domains for Inbound Mail page


  15. Select from the following options:

    • If all the SMTP domains for which you want to want to accept incoming Internet mail are listed, click Next.

    • If you have not modified your recipient policies and an SMTP domain for which you want to receive Internet mail is not displayed, click Add,and then add the proper SMTP domain. Click Set as From Address if you want this address to display as your user's return address in their outgoing e-mails.

    • If you created multiple recipient policies in Exchange System Manager and an SMTP domain for which you want to receive Internet mail does not exist, exit the wizard, and then create or edit a recipient policy for the SMTP domain and make it authoritative. To ensure an SMTP domain is authoritative, on your recipient policy, edit or create the SMTP address, and then click the This Exchange Organization is responsible for all mail delivery to this address check box in SMTP Address Properties.

  16. On the Outbound Bridgehead Server page, under SMTP virtual server, ensure that the Exchange server and SMTP virtual server designated as the bridgehead are displayed. By default, the Internet Mail Wizard creates an SMTP connector on this server with an address space of *, so that all mail destined to Internet addresses is routed through this connector.

    The Outbound Bridgehead Server page


  17. If the Open Relay Configuration page displays, your server is configured to allow open relay. With open relaying, external users can use your server to send unsolicited commercial mail, which may result in other legitimate servers blocking mail from your Exchange server.


    This page displays only if your SMTP virtual server is configured to allow open relay. If your SMTP virtual server does not allow open relay, this page does not display.

    The Open Relay Configuration page


  18. Click Disable open relay to secure your server, and then click Next.

  19. On the Outbound Mail Configuration page, select one of the following options to configure how you want Exchange to send outgoing Internet mail:

    • Click Use domain name system (DNS) to send mail if you want Exchange to use DNS to resolve all Internet addresses and then send mail.

    • Click Yes if your DNS server can resolve Internet addresses.

    • Click No if your DNS server cannot resolve Internet (external addresses). The wizard then guides you through the process of configuring an external DNS server that your SMTP virtual server will use to resolve external addresses.

    • Click Route all mail through the following smart host if you want to send mail to a smart host that assumes responsibility for DNS resolution and mail delivery. Then, in the Host name or IP address of the smart host box, type either a fully qualified domain name or an IP address for the smart host.

    The Outbound Mail Configuration page


  20. Click Next.

  21. Select one of the following options:

    • If you configured Exchange to use a smart host to send outbound mail proceed to Step 24.

    • If you configured Exchange to use DNS for outbound mail, and your DNS server can resolve Internet address, proceed to Step 24.

    • If you configured Exchange to use DNS, and the DNS server Exchange uses cannot resolve Internet addresses, proceed to Step 22.

  22. On the External Domain Name System (DNS) page, configure your SMTP virtual server to use an external DNS server: Click Add, and then, in Enter an IP address, type the IP address of the external DNS server you want to use.


    The external DNS server must have the ability to resolve external or Internet addresses.

    The External Domain Name System (DNS) page


  23. Click Next.

  24. On the Outbound SMTP Domain Restrictions page, select from the following options to specify whether you want to send Internet e-mail to all external addresses or restrict delivery to a specified set of domains:

    • Click Allow delivery to all e-mail domains to allow outbound Internet mail for all external domains.

    • Click Restrict delivery to the following e-mail domains(s) to restrict outbound Internet mail to specific domains, and then click Add to enter the domain to which you want to allow mail. If you want to enter a specific domain, type the domain name, for example If you want to allow e-mail to all domains with a specific extension, for, type *.edu.


      Do not proceed the domain name with the at sign (@).

    The Outbound SMTP Domain Restrictions page


  25. Click Next.

  26. The Configuration Summary page displays the configuration options you selected, as well as the location of the Internet mail log file where the configuration settings will be saved. Review these options carefully.

    The Configuration Summary page


  27. Click Next to start the configuration.

  28. When the Completing the Internet Mail Wizard page displays, select the View detailed report when this wizard closes check box to view the log file, and then click Finish.


    Internet Mail Wizard writes the log file to the My Documents folder of the user running the wizard. The exact location displays on the Completing the Internet Mail Wizard page.

    The Completing the Internet Mail Wizard page
