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Verifying Data Passed to Procedures and Functions

When passing data or "arguments" to parameters in procedures and functions, it is recommended that you verify that the data that procedures and functions receive is as expected. You can use the TYPE( ) and PARAMETERS( ) functions to verify the type and number of arguments passed to procedures and functions.

Verifying Data Type Passed to Parameters

You can use the TYPE( ) function to verify that data passed to parameters has the correct type. In the following example, the function accepts a date value through the parameter dDate. The function returns a date that is 14 days later than the date that was passed:

FUNCTION plus2weeks( dDate )
   RETURN dDate + 14

The parameter in the function requires a value with Date type. The following version of the function includes code that uses the TYPE( ) function to make sure that the passed value has the correct type:

FUNCTION plus2weeks( dDate )
   IF TYPE("dDate") = "D"
      RETURN dDate + 14
      MESSAGEBOX( "Function requires a date value." )
      RETURN { - - }      && Return an empty date.

Verifying the Correct Number of Arguments

When a program passes more arguments than the procedure or function expects, Visual FoxPro generates an error message. When a program passes fewer arguments than the procedure or function expects, the remaining parameters are initialized to False (.F.).

For example, suppose you include two parameters in a procedure definition, but you call the procedure with three arguments, Visual FoxPro generates an error message. However, if you call the procedure with only one argument, the remaining parameter is initialized to False (.F.). However, there is no way to know whether the argument for the last parameter was truly omitted or merely evaluated to .F. Therefore, the following example code uses the PARAMETERS( ) function to check for the appropriate number of arguments:

FUNCTION SaveValue( cStoreTo, cNewVal, lIsInTable )
      MESSAGEBOX( "Too few parameters passed." )
      RETURN .F.
   IF lIsInTable
      REPLACE (cStoreTo) WITH (cNewVal)
      &cStoreTo = cNewVal

See Also


How to: Create Procedures and Functions


Parameters in Procedures and Functions

Other Resources

Working with Procedures and Functions