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How to: Use Regular Expressions to Extract Data Fields (C++/CLI)


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The latest version of this topic can be found at How to: Use Regular Expressions to Extract Data Fields (C++/CLI).

The following code example demonstrates the use of regular expressions to extract data from a formatted string. The following code example uses the Regex class to specify a pattern that corresponds to an e-mail address. This patter includes field identifiers that can be used to retrieve the user and host name portions of each e-mail address. The Match class is used to perform the actual pattern matching. If the given e-mail address is valid, the user name and host names are extracted and displayed.


// Regex_extract.cpp  
// compile with: /clr  
#using <System.dll>  
using namespace System;  
using namespace System::Text::RegularExpressions;  
int main()  
    array<String^>^ address=  
    Regex^ emailregex = gcnew Regex("(?<user>[^@]+)@(?<host>.+)");  
    for (int i=0; i<address->Length; i++)  
        Match^ m = emailregex->Match( address[i] );  
        Console::Write("\n{0,25}", address[i]);  
        if ( m->Success )   
            Console::Write("   User='{0}'",   
            Console::Write("   Host='{0}'",   
            Console::Write("   (invalid email address)");  
    return 0;  

See Also

.NET Framework Regular Expressions
.NET Programming with C++/CLI (Visual C++)