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Deploy Software Update

Applies To: System Center 2012 - Orchestrator, System Center 2012 R2 Orchestrator, System Center 2012 SP1 - Orchestrator

The Deploy Software Update activity is used in a runbook to create a Software Deployment (advertisement) to deploy software updates to a collection of computers. This activity requires that the updates have been downloaded and that the following items exist on the Configuration Manager Site:

  • Update List

  • Deployment Template

  • Deployment Package

For the procedure to configure this object, see: Configuring the Deploy Software Update Activity

Properties and Published Data

The following tables list the properties and published data for this activity.

Deploy Software Update Properties

Element Description Valid Values Look up

Collection Name

The name of an existing collection to which this deployment will be assigned



Deadline For Installation

The date and time by which this update must be installed

String (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM or PM). Default: 14 days from today.


Deployment Description

An optional description of the deployment package



Deployment Name

The name of the deployment package



Deployment Template

The name of the existing deployment template used to create the deployment



Enable Wake on LAN

Specifies whether the Configuration Manager server will send a Wake On LAN packet to the computer prior to the advertised program

True or False


Ignore Maintenance Windows

Specifies whether to allow the advertised program to ignore maintenance window settings while the program is running

True or False


Include Members of Sub-collections

Advertises this deployment to members of subcollections of the specified collection

True or False


Make Available At

The date and time that this update will be made available

String (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM or PM). Default: current time.


Update List

The name of the existing update list used to determine the updates to be deployed

The updates in the Update List must have already been downloaded to the Software Update point on the Configuration Manager Site or the activity will return a status of Failure



Deploy Software Update Published Data

Element Description Value Type

Collection Name

The name of the collection to which this deployment was assigned



Specifies the name of the connection to the Configuration Manager server


Deadline For Installation

The date and time by which this update must be installed

String (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM or PM)

Deployment Description

An optional description of the deployment package


Deployment ID

The site-specific identifier of the deployment


Deployment Name

The name of the deployment package


Deployment Template

The name of the existing deployment template used to create the deployment


Enable Wake on LAN

Specifies whether the Configuration Manager server will send a Wake On LAN packet to the computer prior to the advertised program

True or False

Ignore Maintenance Windows

Specifies whether to allow the advertised program to ignore maintenance window settings while the program is running

True or False

Include Members of Sub-collections

Advertises this deployment to members of sub-collections of the specified collection

True or False

Make Available At

The date and time that this update will be made available

String (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM or PM)

Update ID

One or more IDs for the individual updates included in the deployment. These are site-specific IDs and not globally unique.

Integer or Array of Integers

Update List

The name of the existing update list to be deployed


Configuring the Deploy Software Update Activity

To configure the Deploy Software Update activity

  1. From the Activities pane, drag a Deploy Software Update activity to the active runbook.

  2. Double-click the Deploy Software Update activity icon. The Properties dialog box opens.

  3. Configuring the Details tab:

    1. In the Connection section, click the ellipsis button (...), and then select the Configuration Manager server connection that you want to use for this activity. Click OK.

    2. In the Fields section, enter a value for each of the required properties. If the property is Lookup-enabled, you can click the ellipsis (…) button next to the text box to browse for a value.

      You can also use published data to automatically populate the value of the property from the data output by a previous activity in the runbook.

      To use published data

      1. Right-click the property value box, click Subscribe, and then click Published Data.

      2. Click the Activity drop-down box and select the activity from which you want to obtain the data.

      3. To view additional data elements common across the runbook, select Show Common Published Data.

      4. Click the published data element you want to use, and then click OK.

        For a list of the data elements published by each activity, see the Published Data tables in the activity topic. For information about the Common Published Data items, see Published Data in the System Center Orchestrator 2012 Runbook Guide.

  4. For information about the settings on the General and Run Behavior tabs, see Common Configuration Instructions for all Activities.

  5. Click Finish.

Other Activities

The Integration Pack for System Center Configuration Manager contains the following additional activities: