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How to Create Boot Media

Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

In Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007, you create boot media for use with operating system deployment by using the TsMediaClass Client COM Automation ClassITsMediaClass::CreateBootMedia Method method.

There are a number of TSMedia objects that you have to populate before calling CreateCaptureMedia:

Property Description


The SMS Provider computer name.


The Configuration Manager 2007 site code.


A comma-delimited list of distribution point computers.


A comma-delimited list of name value pairs that is used when establishing the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) connection to the provider. The possible values are documented in ITsMediaClass::ConnectionOptions Property.


The label for the media.

CreateBootMedia has the following parameters that you supply.

Parameter Description


Specifies the type of media that is created. This can be ISO, WIM, UFD and UFD + Format. For more information, see CreateBootMedia.


The path and file name for the created image.


Identifies the boot image that the image is created for. You can obtain this value from the boot image's SMS_BootImagePackage object PackageID property.


The media password.


Specifies whether the call to CreateBootMedia is performed synchronously (false) or asynchronously (true). This parameter is optional, and if it is omitted, the call is synchronous.


Null-terminated string specifying a password for the media certificate.


If a new certificate is created, the time when it starts being valid.


If a new certificate is created, the time when it stops being valid.


Specifies whether the call to CreateBootMedia is performed synchronously (false) or asynchronously (true). This parameter is optional, and if it is omitted, the call is synchronous.

To create boot media

  1. Create an instance of the TSMedia object

  2. Populate the ProviderName, SiteCode, DistributionPoints, ConnectionOptions and MediaLabel properties

  3. Call the CreateBootMedia method to create the ISO file.


The following example asynchronously creates a CD ISO file.

For information about calling the sample code, see How to Call Configuration Manager COM Automation Objects.

Sub CreateBootMedia (providerName, _
        siteCode,           _
        distributionPoints, _
        connectionOptions,  _
        mediaLabel,         _
        mediaType,          _
        destinationPath,    _
        bootImageID,        _

    Dim tsmedia
    Dim hr
    Set tsmedia = CreateObject("Microsoft.ConfigMgr.TsMedia")

    ' Change these properties according to your configuration.
    tsmedia.ProviderName = providerName
    tsmedia.SiteCode = siteCode
    tsmedia.DistributionPoints = distributionPoints
    tsmedia.ConnectionOptions = connectionOptions
    tsmedia.MediaLabel = mediaLabel

    hr = tsmedia.CreateBootMedia( mediaType, _
                destinationPath,  _
                bootImageID,      _
                mediaPassword,    _
                NULL,             _
                NULL,             _
                now,              _
                now+30,           _
    While tsmedia.Status = 0
          WScript.Echo tsmedia.CurrentStep & "/" & tsmedia.NumSteps & _
           "  (" & tsmedia.StepProgress & ")  " & tsmedia.StepInfo
          WScript.Sleep 1000
    WScript.Echo "Boot media creation finished with result = " & tsmedia.ExitCode

End Sub


No C# example was included due to a known issue with TsMediaClass Client COM Automation Class.

The example method has the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description


VBScript: string

The SMS Provider computer name.


VBScript: string

The Configuration Manager 2007 site code.


VBScript: string

A comma-delimited list of distribution point computers.


VBScript: string

A comma-delimited list of name value pairs that is used when establishing the WMI connection to the provider.


VBScript: string

The label for the media.


VBScript: string

Specifies the type of media that is created. This can be ISO, WIM, UFD and UFD + Format.


VBScript: string

The path and file name for the created image.


VBScript: string

The boot image identifier. You can obtain this value from the boot image's SMS_BootImagePackage Server WMI ClassPackageID property


VBScript: string

The media password.

Robust Programming

For more information about error handling, see About Configuration Manager Errors.


For more information about securing Configuration Manager applications, see About Securing Configuration Manager Applications.

See Also


About Operating System Deployment Media Management
How to Create Capture Media
How to Create Stand-Alone Operating System Media
How to Serialize a Certificate from a PFX File
How to Create and Serialize a New Self-Signed Certificate