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ErrorConfiguration Miembros

Specifies settings for handling errors that can occur when the parent element is processed. This class cannot be inherited.

El tipo ErrorConfiguration expone los siguientes miembros.


  Nombre Descripción
Método publico ErrorConfiguration() () () () Initializes a new instance of the ErrorConfiguration class using default values.
Método publico ErrorConfiguration(String) Initializes a new instance of ErrorConfiguration using a named keyErrorLogFile.
Método publico ErrorConfiguration(String, Int64) Initializes a new instance of ErrorConfiguration using a named keyErrorLogFile and an keyErrorLimit.



  Nombre Descripción
Método publico Clone Creates a new, full copy of an object.
Método publico CopyTo Creates a full copy of an object into the existing object that is passed as a parameter.
Método publico CreateObjRef (Se hereda de MarshalByRefObject).
Método publico Dispose (Se hereda de Component).
Método protegido Dispose (Se hereda de Component).
Método publico Equals (Se hereda de Object).
Método protegido Finalize (Se hereda de Component).
Método publico GetHashCode (Se hereda de Object).
Método publico GetLifetimeService (Se hereda de MarshalByRefObject).
Método protegido GetService (Se hereda de Component).
Método publico GetType (Se hereda de Object).
Método publico InitializeLifetimeService (Se hereda de MarshalByRefObject).
Método protegido MemberwiseClone (Se hereda de Object).
Método protegido MemberwiseClone (Se hereda de MarshalByRefObject).
Método publico ToString (Se hereda de Component).



  Nombre Descripción
Propiedad protegida CanRaiseEvents (Se hereda de Component).
Propiedad pública Container (Se hereda de Component).
Propiedad protegida DesignMode (Se hereda de Component).
Propiedad protegida Events (Se hereda de Component).
Propiedad pública KeyDuplicate Gets or sets the KeyDuplicate property for an ErrorConfiguration object. This determines how Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS) handles a duplicate key error if it encounters one during processing.
Propiedad pública KeyErrorAction Gets or sets the action for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS) to take when an error occurs on a key.
Propiedad pública KeyErrorLimit Gets or sets the number of errors allowed during processing.
Propiedad pública KeyErrorLimitAction Gets or sets the action Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS) takes when the key error count that is specified in the KeyErrorLimit element is reached.
Propiedad pública KeyErrorLogFile Gets or sets the file name for logging processing errors.
Propiedad pública KeyNotFound Gets or sets how Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS) responds when it encounters a referential integrity error.
Propiedad pública NullKeyConvertedToUnknown Gets or sets the action to be taken when a null conversion error is encountered.
Propiedad pública NullKeyNotAllowed Gets or sets the property that determines how the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS) processing engine handles a null key error encountered during processing.
Propiedad pública Site (Se hereda de Component).



  Nombre Descripción
Evento público Disposed (Se hereda de Component).
