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GroupCollection Miembros

Contains a collection of Group objects. This class cannot be inherited.

El tipo GroupCollection expone los siguientes miembros.


  Nombre Descripción
Método publico GroupCollection Initializes a new instance of Group.



  Nombre Descripción
Método publico Add Adds a Group to the end of the collection.
Método publico AddRange Adds the elements of an ICollection to the end of the collection.
Método publico Clear Removes all elements from the collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Método publico Contains Indicates whether the collection contains a specified Group.
Método publico CopyTo Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional Array, starting at the specified index of the target array. This class cannot be inherited.
Método publico Equals (Se hereda de Object).
Método protegido Finalize (Se hereda de Object).
Método publico GetHashCode (Se hereda de Object).
Método publico GetType (Se hereda de Object).
Método publico IndexOf Gets the index of a specified Group.
Método publico Insert Inserts a Group into the collection at the specified index.
Método protegido MemberwiseClone (Se hereda de Object).
Método publico Remove Removes the specified Group from the collection.
Método publico RemoveAt Removes the Group at the specified index from the collection. This class cannot be inherited.
Método publico ToString (Se hereda de Object).



  Nombre Descripción
Propiedad pública Count Gets the number of Group objects contained in the collection.
Propiedad pública Item Gets the Group at the specified index from the collection.
