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Clase MdxScript

An MDX script is a collection of commands, which is usually used to populate a cube with calculations. This class cannot be inherited.

Espacio de nombres:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices
Ensamblado:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices (en Microsoft.AnalysisServices.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class MdxScript _
    Inherits MajorObject _
    Implements IMajorObject, INamedComponent, IModelComponent, IComponent,  _
    IDisposable, ICloneable
Dim instance As MdxScript
public sealed class MdxScript : MajorObject, 
    IMajorObject, INamedComponent, IModelComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, 
public ref class MdxScript sealed : public MajorObject, 
    IMajorObject, INamedComponent, IModelComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, 
type MdxScript =  
        inherit MajorObject
        interface IMajorObject
        interface INamedComponent
        interface IModelComponent
        interface IComponent
        interface IDisposable
        interface ICloneable
public final class MdxScript extends MajorObject implements IMajorObject, INamedComponent, IModelComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, ICloneable

El tipo MdxScript expone los siguientes miembros.


  Nombre Descripción
Método público MdxScript() () () () Initializes a new instance of MdxScript using the default values.
Método público MdxScript(String, String) Initializes a new instance of MdxScript using a name and an identifier.



  Nombre Descripción
Propiedad pública Annotations Gets the collection object of all annotations to current object. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Propiedad pública CalculationProperties Gets a CalculationProperty object, with display attributes for calculated members defined in current script.
Propiedad protegida CanRaiseEvents (Se hereda de Component.)
Propiedad pública Commands Gets a CommandCollection object with all calculations defined in current script.
Propiedad pública Container (Se hereda de Component.)
Propiedad pública CreatedTimestamp Gets or sets the date and time of the creation of the object. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Propiedad pública DefaultScript Gets or sets the DefaultScript property that makes the current script the default one among all scripts.
Propiedad pública Description Gets or sets a description string of current object. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Propiedad protegida DesignMode (Se hereda de Component.)
Propiedad protegida Events (Se hereda de Component.)
Propiedad protegida FriendlyName (Se hereda de NamedComponent.)
Propiedad pública ID (Se hereda de NamedComponent.)
Propiedad pública IsLoaded Infraestructura. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Propiedad protegida KeyForCollection (Se hereda de NamedComponent.)
Propiedad pública LastSchemaUpdate Gets or sets the date and time when current object schema was last updated. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Propiedad pública Name (Se hereda de NamedComponent.)
Propiedad pública OwningCollection Gets or sets the collection that contains the ModelComponent. (Se hereda de ModelComponent.)
Propiedad pública Parent Gets the Cube object that is the parent of the MdxScript object.
Propiedad pública ParentDatabase Gets the Database object that is the parent of the MdxScript object.
Propiedad pública ParentServer Gets the Server object that is the parent of the MdxScript object.
Propiedad pública Site (Se hereda de NamedComponent.)
Propiedad pública SiteID (Se hereda de NamedComponent.)



  Nombre Descripción
Método protegido AddToContainer Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ModelComponent.)
Método protegido AfterInsert Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ModelComponent.)
Método protegido AfterMove Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ModelComponent.)
Método protegido AfterRemove Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ModelComponent.)
Método protegido BeforeRemove Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ModelComponent.)
Método público Clone() () () () Creates a new, full copy of an object.
Método protegido Clone(Boolean) Infraestructura. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público CopyTo(MdxScript) Copies an MdxScript to the specified object.
Método protegido CopyTo(ModelComponent) Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ModelComponent.)
Método protegido CopyTo(NamedComponent) (Se hereda de NamedComponent.)
Método protegido CopyTo(MajorObject, Boolean) Infraestructura. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público CreateObjRef (Se hereda de MarshalByRefObject.)
Método público Dispose() () () () (Se hereda de Component.)
Método protegido Dispose(Boolean) (Se hereda de Component.)
Método público Drop() () () () Removes current object and updates server. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público Drop(DropOptions) Removes current object and updates server using specified options. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público Drop(DropOptions, XmlaWarningCollection) Removes current object and updates server using specified options. Warnings resulting from drop operation are returned on the specified warnings object. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público Drop(DropOptions, XmlaWarningCollection, ImpactDetailCollection) Removes current object and updates server using specified options. Warnings resulting from drop operation are returned on the specified warnings variable and results for affected objects in operation are returned on specified impactResult variable. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público Drop(DropOptions, XmlaWarningCollection, ImpactDetailCollection, Boolean) Removes current object and updates server using specified options. Warnings resulting from drop operation are returned on the specified warnings variable and results for affected objects in operation are returned on specified impactResult variable. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público Equals (Se hereda de Object.)
Método protegido Finalize (Se hereda de Component.)
Método protegido GetCreateReferences Infraestructura. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público GetDependents Infraestructura. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método protegido GetDropDependents Infraestructura. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público GetHashCode (Se hereda de Object.)
Método público GetLifetimeService (Se hereda de MarshalByRefObject.)
Método público GetReferences Infraestructura. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método protegido GetService (Se hereda de Component.)
Método público GetType (Se hereda de Object.)
Método público GetUpdateOverwrites Infraestructura. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público InitializeLifetimeService (Se hereda de MarshalByRefObject.)
Método protegido MemberwiseClone() () () () (Se hereda de Object.)
Método protegido MemberwiseClone(Boolean) (Se hereda de MarshalByRefObject.)
Método público Refresh() () () () Updates current object from server definitions. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público Refresh(Boolean) Updates current object from server definitions and loaded dependent objects if specified. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público Refresh(Boolean, RefreshType) Updates current object from server definitions and loaded dependent objects if specified. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método protegido RemoveFromContainer Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ModelComponent.)
Método protegido Reset (Se hereda de NamedComponent.)
Método público Submit() () () () Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ModelComponent.)
Método público Submit(Boolean) Infraestructura. (Se hereda de ModelComponent.)
Método público ToString (Se hereda de NamedComponent.)
Método público Update() () () () Updates server definition of current object to actual values using the default values to update dependent objects. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público Update(UpdateOptions) Updates server definition of current object to actual values using the specified options to update dependent objects. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público Update(UpdateOptions, UpdateMode) Updates server definition of current object to actual values using the specified options to update dependent objects. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público Update(UpdateOptions, UpdateMode, XmlaWarningCollection) Updates server definition of current object to actual values using the specified options to update dependent objects and reports any warnings from operation. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público Update(UpdateOptions, UpdateMode, XmlaWarningCollection, ImpactDetailCollection) Updates server definition of current object to actual values using specified options to update dependent objects, reports any warnings from operation, and returns affected objects from operation. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público Update(UpdateOptions, UpdateMode, XmlaWarningCollection, ImpactDetailCollection, Boolean) Updates server definition of current object to actual values using specified options to update dependent objects, reports any warnings from operation, and returns affected objects from operation. If analyzeImpactOnly is true, an impact analysis operation is performed with no update operation. (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público Validate(ValidationErrorCollection) Validates the element to which it is appended; returns any errors encountered in a collection. (Se hereda de ModelComponent.)
Método público Validate(ValidationResultCollection) (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público Validate(ValidationErrorCollection, Boolean) Validates the element to which it is appended; returns any errors encountered in a collection. Also contains a parameter to enable return of detailed errors. (Se hereda de ModelComponent.)
Método público Validate(ValidationResultCollection, ValidationOptions) (Se hereda de MajorObject.)
Método público Validate(ValidationErrorCollection, Boolean, ServerEdition) (Invalida NamedComponent. . :: . .Validate(ValidationErrorCollection, Boolean, ServerEdition).)
Método público Validate(ValidationResultCollection, ValidationOptions, ServerEdition) (Se hereda de MajorObject.)



  Nombre Descripción
Evento público Disposed (Se hereda de Component.)


Seguridad para subprocesos

Cualquier miembro público static (Shared en Visual Basic) de este tipo es seguro para subprocesos. No se garantiza que los miembros de instancia sean seguros para subprocesos.