Notification Services Programming Reference
This section provides information about the SQL Server 2005 Notification Services object models, XML schemas, tables, views, and codes.
En esta sección
Topic | Description |
Provides reference information on the elements in the XML application definition file (ADF). |
Provides reference information on the elements in the XML instance configuration file (ICF). |
Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices Class Library |
Provides reference information on the core Notification Services API, which is primarily used in applications that submit events and manage subscriptions. |
Microsoft.SqlServer.NotificationServices.Rules Class Library |
Provides reference information on the API for developing conditions for Notification Services applications. |
Lists the subscriber locale codes for Notification Services. |
Lists the time zone codes for Notification Services. |
Describes the XML declaration used in ADF and ICF files. |
Lists the characters that must be substituted with entity references in XML data. |
Secciones relacionadas
Topic | Description |
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Nmo Class Library |
Provides reference information for Notification Services Management Objects (NMO) for Notification Services. These objects are used to create and manage instances of Notification Services. |
Procedimientos almacenados de Notification Services (Transact-SQL) |
Contains reference topics for reporting and debugging stored procedures. |
Contains information about Notification Services tables. |
Contains information about Notification Services views, which you can use to view instance and application metadata and insert some event, subscriber, and subscription data. |
Describes the command-prompt utility used to administer Notification Services. |
Vea también
Otros recursos
Crear soluciones de notificación
Implementar Notification Services
Administrar Notification Services