Parameter Element for Application/Parameters (ICF)
Contains one name/value pair that passes a value to a parameter in the application definition file (ADF).
Element Characteristics
Characteristic | Description |
Data type |
None. |
Default value |
None. |
Occurrence |
Required once or more per Parameters element. |
Updates |
Can be added or deleted when updating the instance. |
Element Relationships
Relationship | Elements |
Parent element |
Child elements |
Parameters in the Application/Parameters section are passed to the application's ADF when you create the instance or update the application. These values override the ParameterDefault settings in the ADF.
This example shows how to specify a parameter for the ADF with the name DBSystem
. MyDBServer
, specified by the Value element, is substituted for %DBSystem% in the ADF.
This example shows how to specify a parameter for the ADF with the name NSSystem
, which gets its value from an ICF parameter. You must provide a value for the ICF parameter %NSServer%
either in the ParameterDefaults section of the instance configuration file (ICF) or when creating the instance.
For example, you can provide a value for %NSServer%
in the ParameterDefaults section of the ICF.
Vea también
Application Definition File Reference
Instance Configuration File Reference
Otros recursos
Asociar aplicaciones con una instancia
Actualizar instancias y aplicaciones