Argument Element (ICF)
Contains one name/value pair for a delivery channel argument. These arguments are typically used to supply configuration and authentication information required by the delivery service.
Element Characteristics
Characteristic | Description |
Data type |
None. |
Default value |
None. |
Occurrence |
Required once or more per Arguments element. |
Updates |
Can be added or deleted, and then applied when updating the instance. |
Element Relationships
Relationship | Elements |
Parent element |
Child elements |
Delivery channel arguments are dependent on the delivery protocol. Each protocol has its own requirements. Examples of delivery channel arguments are the server name, a user name, and a password. The specified arguments are passed to the delivery protocol upon initialization. In the case of custom delivery protocols, these arguments are passed to the Initialize method.
For information about the arguments required by standard delivery protocols, see Protocolos de entrega estándar.
Notification Services does not validate delivery channel arguments when you create or update the instance.
Notification Services stores the argument names and values in the instance database. To encrypt the values stored in the database, use argument encryption. For more information, see Configurar el cifrado de argumentos.
[!NOTA] Do not store user name and password information in the instance configuration file (ICF). Use parameters, as shown in the example, and then provide values for the parameters when creating and updating the instance.
This example shows how to provide a user value to a delivery channel. You can specify a value for %User% on the command line or in the ParameterDefaults section.
Vea también
Application Definition File Reference
Instance Configuration File Reference