ParameterDefaults Element (ICF)
Contains one or more Parameter elements, which provide default values for parameters within the instance configuration file (ICF).
Element Characteristics
Characteristic | Description |
Data type |
None. |
Default value |
None. |
Occurrence |
Optional once per NotificationServicesInstance element. |
Updates |
Can be added and deleted when updating the instance. |
Element Relationships
Relationship | Elements |
Parent element |
Child elements |
The ParameterDefaults section is where you define default values for parameters used in the ICF. Anywhere the parameter appears in the ICF, Notification Services substitutes the value.
For example, you might use the same directory path in multiple locations in your ICF. Instead of typing the path in each location, and then having to change it in each location, you can use a parameter, such as %BaseDirPath%. Then, in the ParameterDefaults section of the ICF, you define the value once, as shown in the example below.
You can override ParameterDefaults values by specifying a parameter name and value when creating or updating the instance.
If you do not specify default values for parameters, omit the entire ParameterDefaults section from the ICF or use empty tags for the child elements.
This example shows a complete ParameterDefaults element with two default values. Notification Services substitutes "C:\NS" wherever %BaseDirPath% appears in the ICF and substitutes "SQL10" wherever %DBSystem% appears in the ICF.
Vea también
Application Definition File Reference
Instance Configuration File Reference
Otros recursos
Usar parámetros en un archivo de configuración de instancia
Actualizar instancias y aplicaciones