ProtocolName Element (ADF)
Specifies the name of the delivery protocol.
Element Characteristics
Characteristic | Description |
Data type |
string, between 1 and 64 characters in length. |
Default value |
None. |
Occurrence |
Required once per Protocol element. |
Updates |
Can be modified, but not added or deleted, when updating the application. |
Element Relationships
Relationship | Elements |
Parent element |
Child elements |
None. |
The ProtocolName value must map to a delivery protocol name in the Protocols section of the instance configuration file (ICF) or must be the name of one of the built-in delivery protocols (SMTP and File). For more information about built-in protocols, see Protocolos de entrega estándar.
The following example shows how to use the built-in SMTP delivery protocol.
Vea también
Application Definition File Reference
Otros recursos
Especificar el nombre y los campos de un protocolo de entrega
Actualizar instancias y aplicaciones