SQL-DMO Object Type Constants (SQLDMO_OBJECT_TYPE)
Esta característica se quitará en una versión futura de Microsoft SQL Server. Evite utilizar esta característica en nuevos trabajos de desarrollo y tenga previsto modificar las aplicaciones que actualmente la utilizan.
SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO) object type constants enumerate the kind of Microsoft SQL Server element referenced by a specific SQL-DMO object. For example, the TypeOf property returns an object type constant.
Object type constants are used optionally by listing methods to constrain list or query result set membership.
Constant | Value | Description |
SQLDMOObj_Alert |
2109440 |
The object references a SQL Server Agent service alert. |
SQLDMOObj_AlertSystem |
2101248 |
The object is an AlertSystem object giving access to SQL Server Agent service parameters. |
SQLDMOObj_/AllButSystemObjects |
5119 |
The list or query result set membership includes all but SQL Server system objects. |
SQLDMOObj_/AllDatabaseObjects |
4607 |
The list or query result set membership includes SQL Server system and user database objects. |
SQLDMOObj_/AllDatabaseUserObjects |
4605 |
The list or query result set membership includes only user database objects. |
SQLDMOObj_Application |
0 |
The object is a SQL-DMO Application object. |
SQLDMOObj_AutoProperty |
188416 |
The object is a Property object exposed for OLE Automation controllers. |
SQLDMOObj_Backup |
184320 |
The object is a Backup object defining a possible database or log backup operation. |
SQLDMOObj_BackupDevice |
139264 |
The object references a SQL Server backup device. |
SQLDMOObj_BulkCopy |
204800 |
The object is a BulkCopy object defining a possible table export or import operation. |
SQLDMOObj_Category |
2134016 |
The object references a SQL Server Agent service alert, operator, or job category. |
SQLDMOObj_Check |
49152 |
The object references an integrity constraint. |
SQLDMOObj_Column |
24576 |
The object references a column in a table. |
SQLDMOObj_Configuration |
159744 |
The object references a configuration parameter. |
SQLDMOObj_ConfigValue |
163840 |
The object references a configuration parameter value. |
SQLDMOObj_Database |
135168 |
The object references a database. |
SQLDMOObj_DatabaseRole |
225280 |
The object references a database role. |
212992 |
The object references an operating system file implementing database storage. |
SQLDMOObj_DBObject |
28672 |
The object is a DBObject object visible in lists and used in database transfer operations. |
SQLDMOObj_DBOption |
32768 |
The object references a database option. |
SQLDMOObj_Default |
64 |
The object references a default. |
SQLDMOObj_/DistributionArticle |
1134592 |
The object references a heterogeneous replication task. |
SQLDMOObj_/DistributionDatabase |
1118208 |
The object references a database used for replication distribution. |
SQLDMOObj_/DistributionPublication |
1130496 |
The object references a publication maintained at the Distributor. |
SQLDMOObj_/DistributionPublisher |
1105920 |
The object references an instance of SQL Server acting as a Distributor for published data. |
SQLDMOObj_/DistributionSubscription |
1138688 |
The object references a push subscription initiated by a Distributor. |
SQLDMOObj_Distributor |
1097728 |
The object references an instance of SQL Server acting as a replication Distributor. |
SQLDMOObj_DRIDefault |
53248 |
The object references a SQL Server column-specific default value. |
SQLDMOObj_FileGroup |
208896 |
The object references a SQL Server database filegroup. |
SQLDMOObj_FullTextCatalog |
266240 |
The object references a Microsoft Search full-text catalog. |
SQLDMOObj_FullTextService |
270336 |
The object references the Microsoft Search service. |
SQLDMOObj_Index |
16384 |
The object references an index. |
SQLDMOObj_/IntegratedSecurity |
45056 |
The object is an IntegratedSecurity object defining name mapping applied by SQL Server when using Windows Authentication. |
2117632 |
The object references a SQL Server Agent service job. |
SQLDMOObj_JobFilter |
2166784 |
Object is a JobFilter object controlling job-enumerating methods of the JobServer object. |
SQLDMOObj_JobHistoryFilter |
2170880 |
The object is a JobHistoryFilter object controlling job-history-enumerating methods of the JobServer object. |
SQLDMOObj_JobSchedule |
2174976 |
The object references a SQL Server Agent service schedule. |
SQLDMOObj_JobServer |
2105344 |
The object references a SQL Server Agent service. |
SQLDMOObj_JobStep |
2121728 |
The object references a SQL Server Agent service job step. |
20480 |
The object references a primary or foreign key. |
SQLDMOObj_Language |
147456 |
The object references a SQL Server language record. |
SQLDMOObj_LinkedServer |
233472 |
The object references a linked server running SQL Server 2000 or later. |
SQLDMOObj_/LinkedServerLogin |
262144 |
The object references a SQL Server linked server login. |
SQLDMOObj_LogFile |
217088 |
The object references an operating system file implementing a SQL Server database log. |
SQLDMOObj_Login |
143360 |
The object references a SQL Server login. |
SQLDMOObj_MergeArticle |
1073152 |
The object references a merge replication task. |
SQLDMOObj_/MergePublication |
1069056 |
The object references merge replication tasks grouped as a publication. |
SQLDMOObj_/MergePullSubscription |
1081344 |
The object references a subscription to a merge replication publication. The Subscriber controls replication synchronization attempts. |
SQLDMOObj_/MergeSubscription |
1077248 |
The object references a subscription to a merge replication publication. The Publisher controls replication synchronization attempts. |
SQLDMOObj_MergeSubsetFilter |
1142784 |
The object references a merge replication partitioning filter. |
SQLDMOObj_Operator |
2113536 |
The object references a SQL Server Agent service operator. |
SQLDMOObj_Permission |
40960 |
The object is a Permission object exposing SQL Server object-level security. |
SQLDMOObj_/ProcedureParameter |
36864 |
The object references a parameter of a stored procedure. |
SQLDMOObj_Publisher |
1089536 |
The object references a SQL Server Agent service alert. |
SQLDMOObj_QueryResults |
167936 |
The object is a QueryResults object. |
SQLDMOObj_RegisteredServer |
200704 |
The object references a registry entry listing an instance of SQL Server. |
SQLDMOObj_/RegisteredSubscriber |
1110016 |
The object references a replication Subscriber. |
SQLDMOObj_Registry |
176128 |
The object is a Registry object exposing registry-maintained data about an instance of SQL Server. |
SQLDMOObj_RemoteLogin |
155648 |
The object references a mapping for access by another instance of SQL Server. |
SQLDMOObj_RemoteServer |
151552 |
The object references an instance of SQL Server allowed access for remote procedure execution. |
SQLDMOObj_Replication |
1085440 |
The object is a Replication object. |
SQLDMOObj_/ReplicationDatabase |
1114112 |
The object references a SQL Server database replicated in merge or transactional publications. |
SQLDMOObj_/ReplicationSecurity |
1101824 |
The object is a ReplicationSecurity object specifying login authentication for replication Publishers and Subscribers. |
SQLDMOObj_/ReplicationStoredProcedure |
1126400 |
The object references a stored procedure replicated in a transactional or merge article. |
SQLDMOObj_ReplicationTable |
1122304 |
The object references a table replicated in a transactional or merge article. |
SQLDMOObj_Restore |
229376 |
The object is a Restore object used to specify a database or transaction log operation. |
SQLDMOObj_Rule |
128 |
The object references a rule. |
SQLDMOObj_Schedule |
2162688 |
The object is a Schedule object used to specify run times for administrative and replication tasks. |
SQLDMOObj_ServerGroup |
192512 |
The object references a registry-based grouping for servers. |
SQLDMOObj_ServerRole |
221184 |
The object references a fixed server role. |
131072 |
The object is a SQLServer object. |
SQLDMOObj_StoredProcedure |
16 |
The object references a stored procedure. |
SQLDMOObj_Subscriber |
1093632 |
The object references a Subscriber for replicated data. |
SQLDMOObj_SystemDatatype |
4096 |
The object references a SQL Server base data type. |
SQLDMOObj_SystemTable |
2 |
The object references a system table. |
SQLDMOObj_TargetServer |
2125824 |
The object references a SQL Server Agent service target server. |
SQLDMOObj_/TargetServerGroup |
2129920 |
The object references a SQL Server Agent service target server group. |
SQLDMOObj_TransactionLog |
172032 |
The object is a TransactionLog object exposing the properties of SQL Server database transaction logging. |
SQLDMOObj_TransArticle |
1056768 |
The object references a transactional replication task. |
SQLDMOObj_Transfer |
180224 |
The object is a Transfer object used to move data and objects from one SQL Server database to another. |
SQLDMOObj_TransPublication |
1069056 |
The object references a publication grouping transactional replication tasks. |
SQLDMOObj_/TransPullSubscription |
1064960 |
The object references a subscription to a transactional replication publication. The Subscriber controls synchronization attempts. |
SQLDMOObj_/TransSubscription |
1060864 |
The object references a subscription to a transactional replication publication. The Publisher controls synchronization attempts. |
SQLDMOObj_Trigger |
256 |
The object references a trigger. |
SQLDMOObj_Unknown |
16384 |
The object type is unknown. It indicates an error condition. |
SQLDMOObj_User |
8192 |
The object references a SQL Server database user. |
SQLDMOObj_/UserDefinedDatatype |
4096 |
The object references a SQL Server user-defined data type. |
SQLDMOObj_/UserDefinedFunction |
1 |
The object references a user-defined function. |
SQLDMOObj_UserTable |
8 |
The object references a SQL Server user-defined table. |
SQLDMOObj_View |
4 |
The object references a view. |
Vea también
AddObjectByName Method
EnumDependencies Method
GetDatatypeByName Method
GetObjectByName Method
IsObjectDeleted Method
ListObjectNames Method
ListObjects Method
ListOwnedObjects Method
ObjectType Property
Type Property (DBObject)
TypeOf Property