SqlCeTransaction.Rollback Method
Deshace una transacción desde un estado pendiente.
Espacio de nombres: System.Data.SqlServerCe
Ensamblado: System.Data.SqlServerCe (en system.data.sqlserverce.dll)
Public Overrides Sub Rollback
public override void Rollback ()
virtual void Rollback () override
public void Rollback ()
public override function Rollback ()
Tipo de excepción | Condición |
Exception | Error al intentar confirmar la transacción. |
InvalidOperationException | La transacción ya se ha confirmado o deshecho. O bien Se ha interrumpido la conexión. |
La transacción sólo se puede deshacer desde un estado pendiente (después de llamar a BeginTransaction pero antes de llamar a Commit).
En el siguiente ejemplo se crean SqlCeConnection y SqlCeTransaction. También se muestra cómo utilizar los métodos BeginTransaction, Commit y Rollback.
Dim conn As New SqlCeConnection("Data Source = AdventureWorks.sdf;")
' Start a local transaction; SQL Mobile supports the following
' isolation levels: ReadCommitted, RepeatableRead, Serializable
Dim tx As SqlCeTransaction = conn.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted)
' By default, commands run in auto-commit mode;
Dim cmd1 As SqlCeCommand = conn.CreateCommand()
' You may create multiple commands on the same connection
Dim cmd2 As SqlCeCommand = conn.CreateCommand()
' To enlist a command in a transaction, set the Transaction property
cmd1.Transaction = tx
cmd1.CommandText = "INSERT INTO FactSalesQuota " & _
"(EmployeeKey, TimeKey, SalesAmountQuota) " & _
"VALUES (2, 1158, 150000.00)"
' Auto-commited because cmd2 is not enlisted in a transaction
cmd2.CommandText = "INSERT INTO FactSalesQuota " & _
"(EmployeeKey, TimeKey, SalesAmountQuota) " & _
"VALUES (3, 1157, 15000.00)"
' Commit the changes to disk if everything above succeeded;
' Use Deferred mode for optimal performance; the changes will
' be flashed to disk within the timespan specified in the
' ConnectionString 'FLUSH INTERVAL' property;
' Alternatively, you could use:
' tx.Commit(CommitMode.Immediate);
' or use default (Deferred) commit mode:
' tx.Commit()
Catch e As Exception
' Handle errors here
End Try
SqlCeConnection conn = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source = AdventureWorks.sdf;");
// Start a local transaction; SQL Mobile supports the following
// isolation levels: ReadCommitted, RepeatableRead, Serializable
SqlCeTransaction tx = conn.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
// By default, commands run in auto-commit mode;
SqlCeCommand cmd1 = conn.CreateCommand();
// You may create multiple commands on the same connection
SqlCeCommand cmd2 = conn.CreateCommand();
// To enlist a command in a transaction, set the Transaction property
cmd1.Transaction = tx;
cmd1.CommandText = "INSERT INTO FactSalesQuota " +
"(EmployeeKey, TimeKey, SalesAmountQuota) " +
"VALUES (2, 1158, 150000.00)";
// Auto-commited because cmd2 is not enlisted in a transaction
cmd2.CommandText = "INSERT INTO FactSalesQuota " +
"(EmployeeKey, TimeKey, SalesAmountQuota) " +
"VALUES (3, 1157, 15000.00)";
// Commit the changes to disk if everything above succeeded;
// Use Deferred mode for optimal performance; the changes will
// be flashed to disk within the timespan specified in the
// ConnectionString 'FLUSH INTERVAL' property;
// Alternatively, you could use:
// tx.Commit(CommitMode.Immediate);
// or use default (Deferred) commit mode:
// tx.Commit()
catch (Exception)
// Handle errors here
Seguridad para subprocesos
Todos los miembros (Compartidos en Microsoft Visual Basic) de este tipo son seguros para la ejecución de subprocesos. No se garantiza que los miembros de instancia sean seguros para subprocesos.
Plataformas de desarrollo
Windows Vista, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows Server 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC, Windows CE 5.0
Información de la versión
.NET Framework y NET Compact Framework
Se admite en 3.5
.NET Framework
Se admite en 3.0
.NET Compact Framework y .Net Framework
Se admite en 2.0
Vea también
SqlCeTransaction Class
SqlCeTransaction Members
System.Data.SqlServerCe Namespace
SqlCeTransaction.Commit Method
SqlCeConnection.BeginTransaction Method