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Lista del perfil de base de datos de Project Server 2003


Se aplica a: Project Server 2010

Última modificación del tema: 2010-06-10

Puede ejecutar el script A2 del perfil de Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 para capturar estadísticas sobre la base de datos que planea migrar. El resultado de este script proporcionará información acerca de:

  • Tamaño de las bases de datos (tablas de Project y bases de datos de tablas web)

  • Número de proyectos

  • Número de proyectos insertados

  • Número de vínculos entre proyectos

  • Número de tareas

  • Número de asignaciones

  • Número de recursos de empresa

  • Número de campos personalizados empleados

  • Número de usuarios autenticados de Project

  • Número de usuarios autenticados de Windows

  • Número de grupos de seguridad

  • Número de categorías de seguridad

  • Si hay integración de Windows SharePoint Services

  • Número de problemas vinculados

  • Número de riesgos vinculados

  • Número de documentos vinculados

  • Número de vistas personalizadas de Project Web Access

Debe escribir el nombre de la base de datos de las tablas de Project y de la base de datos de tablas web en la instrucciones USE del script.

Script A2 del perfil de Project Server 2003

Script A2: Project Server 2003 Database Profile
This script reads the Project Server 2003 database (Project Tables and View Tables may be in the same or separate database)
use <Enter "Project Tables" database name>

--Total size of DB 
exec sp_spaceused 

--Number of projects in the database
select count(*) as 'Total Number of Projects in 2003' from msp_projects

--Number of inserted projects
select count(*) as 'Number of Inserted Projects in 2003' 
  from MSP_TEXT_FIELDS where TEXT_FIELD_ID = 188743706

--Number of cross-project links
select count(*) as 'Number of cross-project links in 2003' 
  where TEXT_FIELD_ID = 239075346 or TEXT_FIELD_ID = 239075347

--Number of total tasks, assignments in the system
select count(*) as 'Number of tasks in 2003' from msp_tasks
select count(*) as 'Number of assignments in 2003' from msp_assignments

--Number of Enterprise resources (in ResGlobal)
select count(*) as 'Number of Enterprise Resources in 2003' 
  from msp_resources where proj_id = 1 and res_name is not null

--Number of custom fields in use
select count(*) as 'Number of Custom Fields in use in 2003' 
  from msp_field_attributes 
  where attrib_id = 206 and proj_id in (select proj_id 
  from msp_projects where proj_type =2 )

This script reads the Project Server 2003 database (Project Tables and View Tables may be in the same or separate database)

use <Enter "Web Tables" database name>

--Total size of DB 
exec sp_spaceused 

--Number of Project Authenticated users, Windows authenticated users
select count(*) as 'Number of Project Authenticated users in 2003'  
  where WRES_USE_NT_LOGON = 0 
select count(*) as 'Number of Windows Authenticated users in 2003' 
  where WRES_USE_NT_LOGON <> 0 

--Number of security groups,security categories
select count(*) as 'Number of Security Groups in 2003' 
select count(*) as 'Number of Security Categories in 2003' 

--Is there any Windows SharePoint Services integration ?
select count(*)  as 'Is there any Windows SharePoint Services Integration in 2003?' 
  from msp_web_admin where WADMIN_CURRENT_STS_SERVER_ID <> -1

--Number of linked issues, risks, documents 
-- (indicates how much Windows SharePoint Services integration is used)
select count(*) as 
  'Number of linked Windows SharePoint Services issues/risks/documents in 2003' 

--Number of custom Project Web Access views
select count(*) as 'Number of customer Projet Web Access views in 2003' 
  from MSP_WEB_VIEW_REPORTS where WVIEW_ID > 100