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LinkedUser members

The LinkedUser type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method LinkedUser()
Public method LinkedUser(ADUser)



  Name Description
Public property ArchiveRelease (Inherited from User.)
Public property CertificateSubject Gets or sets the value of the subject field of the user's digital certificate. (Inherited from User.)
Protected property CloneableEnabledStateProperties Gets the list of properties on the User object marked with the ProvisionalCloneEnabledState attribute. (Inherited from User.)
Protected property CloneableOnceProperties Gets the list of properties on the User object that can be cloned only one time. (Inherited from User.)
Protected property CloneableProperties Gets the list of cloneable properties on the User object. (Inherited from User.)
Public property ConsumerNetID (Inherited from User.)
Public property ExternalDirectoryObjectId (Inherited from User.)
Public property InPlaceHoldsRaw (Inherited from User.)
Public property IsLinked Gets a value that indicates whether the user is associated with an external account. (Inherited from User.)
Public property IsSecurityPrincipal Gets a value that indicates whether the user is the security principal. (Inherited from User.)
Public property IsSoftDeletedByDisable (Inherited from User.)
Public property IsSoftDeletedByRemove (Inherited from User.)
Public property LEOEnabled (Inherited from User.)
Public property LinkedMasterAccount Gets the master account in the forest where the user account resides if this user is a linked user (the IsLinked property is true). (Inherited from User.)
Public property MailboxProvisioningConstraint (Inherited from User.)
Public property MailboxProvisioningPreferences (Inherited from User.)
Public property MailboxRelease (Inherited from User.)
Public property MicrosoftOnlineServicesID Gets or sets the ID of the Microsoft Online Services. (Inherited from User.)
Public property NetID The property is for internal use and is not intended to be used in your code. (Inherited from User.)
Public property OrganizationalUnit Gets the Organization Unit (OU) of the user. (Inherited from User.)
Public property PreviousRecipientTypeDetails (Inherited from User.)
Public property RemotePowerShellEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can use Remote PowerShell. (Inherited from User.)
Public property ResetPasswordOnNextLogon Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user must reset their password the next time the user logs on. (Inherited from User.)
Public property SamAccountName Gets or sets the logon name used to support clients and servers running on older versions of the operating system. (Inherited from User.)
Public property Sid Gets the security identifier (SID) of the user. (Inherited from User.)
Public property SidHistory Gets the previous security identifier (SID) used for the user if the user was moved from another domain. (Inherited from User.)
Public property SKUAssigned (Inherited from User.)
Public property UpgradeDetails (Inherited from User.)
Public property UpgradeMessage (Inherited from User.)
Public property UpgradeRequest (Inherited from User.)
Public property UpgradeStage (Inherited from User.)
Public property UpgradeStageTimeStamp (Inherited from User.)
Public property UpgradeStatus (Inherited from User.)
Public property UserAccountControl Gets a value that controls the behavior of the user account. (Inherited from User.)
Public property UserPrincipalName Gets or sets the user principal name (UPN) of the user. (Inherited from User.)
Public property WhenSoftDeleted (Inherited from User.)
Public property WindowsLiveID The property is for internal use and is not intended to be used in your code. (Inherited from User.)


See also


LinkedUser class

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Management namespace