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DialogPrompt Members

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DialogPrompt overview

Public Constructors Description
Constructor Inherited from Control.
Public Properties Description
Async Gets or sets whether the prompt will play asynchronously when the page navigates away.
BargeIn Gets or sets whether playback of the DialogPrompt control can be interrupted by user speech or telephone keypad input.
ClientID Inherited from Control.
Controls Inherited from Control.
EnableViewState Inherited from Control.
InlinePrompt Gets or sets the text of the DialogPrompt control.
Lang Gets or sets the language of the DialogPrompt control content.
NamingContainer Inherited from Control.
OnClientBargeIn Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when the Speech Application Platform detects client bargein.
OnClientBookmark Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when the Speech Application Platform encounters a Bookmark while playing the DialogPrompt content.
OnClientError Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when the Speech Application Platform detects a client error.
Page Inherited from Control.
Params Specifies a collection of Param objects that specify nonstandard configuration parameter values to the Speech Application Platform.
Parent Inherited from Control.
PreFetch Gets or sets whether the DialogPrompt control content should be synthesized and cached at the browser when the page is loaded.
PreFlush Gets or sets whether the PromptQueue object should be flushed when playing this prompt.
PromptDatabases The collection of prompt databases used by the control.
PromptSelectFunction Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that selects or modifies the DialogPrompt control text before playback.
Site Inherited from Control.
TemplateSourceDirectory Inherited from Control.
UniqueID Inherited from Control.
Visible Inherited from Control.
Public Methods Description
DataBind Inherited from Control.
Dispose Inherited from Control.
Equals Inherited from Object.
FindControl Inherited from Control.
GetHashCode Inherited from Object.
GetType Inherited from Object.
HasControls Inherited from Control.
RenderControl Inherited from Control.
ResolveUrl Inherited from Control.
ToString Inherited from Object.
Public Events Description
DataBinding Inherited from Control.
Disposed Inherited from Control.
Init Inherited from Control.
Load Inherited from Control.
PreRender Inherited from Control.
Unload Inherited from Control.
Protected Properties Description
ChildControlsCreated Inherited from Control.
Context Inherited from Control.
Events Inherited from Control.
HasChildViewState Inherited from Control.
IsTrackingViewState Inherited from Control.
ViewState Inherited from Control.
ViewStateIgnoresCase Inherited from Control.
Protected Methods Description
AddParsedSubObject Inherited from Control.
ClearChildViewState Inherited from Control.
CreateChildControls Inherited from Control.
CreateControlCollection Inherited from Control.
EnsureChildControls Inherited from Control.
Finalize Inherited from Object.
IsLiteralContent Inherited from Control.
LoadViewState Inherited from Control.
MapPathSecure Inherited from Control.
MemberwiseClone Inherited from Object.
OnBubbleEvent Inherited from Control.
OnDataBinding Inherited from Control.
OnInit Inherited from Control.
OnLoad Inherited from Control.
OnPreRender Inherited from Control.
OnUnload Inherited from Control.
RaiseBubbleEvent Inherited from Control.
Render Inherited from Control.
RenderChildren Inherited from Control.
SaveViewState Inherited from Control.
TrackViewState Inherited from Control.


Platforms:  Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family.

See Also

DialogPrompt Class | DialogPrompt Constructor | DialogPrompt Properties | DialogPrompt Methods | DialogPrompt Events | DialogPrompt Remarks