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Preparing the Web server

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

This topic describes preparing the Web server as part of managing Speech Application SDK (SASDK) applications in the Microsoft Speech Server (MSS) environment.

Preparing the Web server consists of three steps:

  • Installing the Microsoft ASP.NET Speech Controls runtime

This provides client-side management of rendered speech controls.

  • Installing Speech Application Deployment Service (SADS)

This is the service that enables MSS to administer the application.

Note  When upgrading to Microsoft Speech Server 2004 Release 2 (MSS R2), do not reinstall SADS. Doing so will result in previous deployment settings being deleted.

  • Deploying the Application to the Web server

The Web server must run Internet Information Services (IIS) version 5 or 6 and ASP.NET on Microsoft Windows XP Professional or the Windows Server 2003 family operating system. Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 must be installed if not using Windows Server 2003.

To install Speech Controls

  1. On the Web server computer that will host the application, insert the SASDK Version 1.1 CD and navigate to the \Redistributable Installers\ASP.NET Speech Controls directory.
  2. Double-click setup.exe.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions in the Setup wizard.
  4. Click Finish to complete setup.

To install SADS

  1. On the Web server computer that will host the application, insert the SASDK Version 1.1 CD and navigate to the \Redistributable Installers\Microsoft Speech Application Deployment Service directory.
  2. Double-click setup.exe.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions in the Setup wizard.
  4. Click Finish to complete setup.

Installing SADS creates the \MS_Speech_Deployment directory in the IIS home directory, and places the following files in the directory:

  • Applist.xml: Lists all applications in the deployment to be managed by SADS. Content for this file is updated through the MSS snap-in for Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
  • Applist.xsd: Schema definition for Applist.xml.
  • SESManifest.aspx: Reads information from Applist.xml to generate a single file containing information about application resources to preload. (For use by Speech Engine Services (SES).)
  • TASStartPage.aspx: Reads information from Applist.xml to generate a single file containing the Start page location for applications managed by SADS. (For use by Telephony Application Services (TAS).
  • AppManifestEdit.asmx: Takes user input from the MSS snap-in and updates Applist.xml.
  • AppManifestEdit.wsdl: Support file for SADS.

Deploying the Application to the Web server

The SASDK provides a Project Wizard to create a self-installing .msi for a speech application. This makes deploying the application to a Web server simple and convenient.

Alternatively, a speech application can be manually deployed following the same steps that are used in deploying any other ASP.NET Web application. For more information about deploying ASP.NET applications, see the article ASP.NET Deployment on Microsoft TechNet.

Next Step: Configuring the Server Environment

See Also

Deploying and Managing Speech Applications in MSS