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ApplicationControl Remarks for French (Canada)

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

Defines a base class for the creation of general Application Speech Controls.

Custom Application Speech Controls must be based on ApplicationControl. Application Speech Controls that handle numbers should inherit from the IDtmf interface in order to support dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF).

Execution flow

Each of the various Application Speech Controls that derive from the ApplicationControl class is specialized for a different type of information. For example, the NaturalNumber Application Speech Control collects data made up of a single value, while other controls, such as the Phone and SocialSecurityNumber controls, collect data made up of several values. When activated, the control first collects data from the user, in one or more utterances, and then performs confirmation on the data.

There is no way to cancel or exit an Application Speech Control (except the Navigator control) unless the author provides a Command control that implements the functionality.


Prompts are handled the same way in all Application Speech Controls. Each internal QA control handles one part of the parent control's data collection and confirmation process. The ActiveQAPhase property of the client-side Application Speech Control object indicates which internal QA control is active. Each internal QA control has a default prompt, and the code routine specified in the PromptSelectFunction property of Application Speech Controls can override the prompt text for any of the internal QA controls.

The Question prompt can also be specified in the QuestionPrompt property of the control, but any Question prompt text returned by the PromptSelectFunction routine will override the value of the QuestionPrompt property.

If an Application Speech Control does not use a PromptSelectFunction routine, the control will play default error prompts in response to error conditions such as noreco or silence. If the Application Speech Control uses a PromptSelectFunction routine, it is the responsibility of the application author to specify prompt text for error conditions.

The Help prompt for each control consists of a help message specific to the Application Speech Controls type, followed by a replay of the Question prompt or by a replay of the confirmation prompt, depending on state of the control when the user asks for help.

Application Speech Controls require Command Dialog Speech Controls to play help prompts. In order to play help prompts, the following conditions must be met:

  • the Application Speech Control must be within the scope of a Command control
  • the type of the Command control must be "Help"
  • the xPathTrigger property of the Command control must be "/SML/Help"

If these conditions are not met, the Application Speech Control cannot play help prompts.

The scope of a Command control can contain more than one Application Speech Control. The Command type is case-sensitive. If the author provides a prompt in the Command control, it will be played before the default Help prompt.

View state

Properties of Application Speech Controls are saved in the ASP.NET view state. View states of the internal controls are not maintained.

Custom Application Speech Controls

Use of the ApplicationControl class is illustrated in the topic ColorChooser: A Custom Application Speech Control. The creation of the ColorChooser Application Speech Control sample is detailed in the section titled Walkthrough: ASP.NET Application Speech Control Development.

See Also

ApplicationControl Class | ApplicationControl Constructor | ApplicationControl Members | ApplicationControl Properties | ApplicationControl Methods | ApplicationControl Events