Reco Members
Public Constructors | Description |
Constructor | Inherited from Control. |
Public Properties | Description |
BabbleTimeout | Gets or sets the time-out, in milliseconds, between the detection of speech and the return of a recognition result. |
Beep | Gets or sets whether to play a beep before recording begins. |
ClientID | Inherited from Control. |
Controls | Inherited from Control. |
EnableViewState | Inherited from Control. |
EndSilence | Gets or sets the number of milliseconds of silence that must follow an utterance to initiate recognition. |
GrammarSelectFunction | Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that can be used to select or deselect a recognition grammar. |
Grammars | Specifies a collection of speech recognition grammar resources. |
InitialTimeout | Gets or sets the time-out, in milliseconds, between the start of recognition and the detection of speech. |
Lang | Gets or sets the language of the speech recognition engine. |
MaxTimeout | Gets or sets the time-out, in milliseconds, between the start of recognition and the return of recognition results. |
NamingContainer | Inherited from Control. |
OnClientError | Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when the platform detects recognition errors. |
OnClientNoReco | Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when the platform detects no recognition. |
OnClientSilence | Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when the platform detects silence. |
OnClientSpeechDetected | Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when the platform detects user speech. |
Page | Inherited from Control. |
Params | Specifies a collection of Param objects that specify non-standard configuration parameter values to the speech platform. |
Parent | Inherited from Control. |
Record | Specifies parameters for the recording of audio input from the user. |
Reject | Gets or sets the rejection threshold of recognition confidence, below which the platform will raise a noreco event. |
Site | Inherited from Control. |
TemplateSourceDirectory | Inherited from Control. |
UniqueID | Inherited from Control. |
Visible | Inherited from Control. |
Public Methods | Description |
DataBind | Inherited from Control. |
Dispose | Inherited from Control. |
Equals | Inherited from Object. |
FindControl | Inherited from Control. |
GetHashCode | Inherited from Object. |
GetType | Inherited from Object. |
HasControls | Inherited from Control. |
RenderControl | Inherited from Control. |
ResolveUrl | Inherited from Control. |
ToString | Inherited from Object. |
Public Events | Description |
DataBinding | Inherited from Control. |
Disposed | Inherited from Control. |
Init | Inherited from Control. |
Load | Inherited from Control. |
PreRender | Inherited from Control. |
Unload | Inherited from Control. |
Protected Properties | Description |
ChildControlsCreated | Inherited from Control. |
Context | Inherited from Control. |
Events | Inherited from Control. |
HasChildViewState | Inherited from Control. |
IsTrackingViewState | Inherited from Control. |
ViewState | Inherited from Control. |
ViewStateIgnoresCase | Inherited from Control. |
Protected Methods | Description |
AddParsedSubObject | Inherited from Control. |
ClearChildViewState | Inherited from Control. |
CreateChildControls | Inherited from Control. |
CreateControlCollection | Inherited from Control. |
EnsureChildControls | Inherited from Control. |
Finalize | Inherited from Object. |
IsLiteralContent | Inherited from Control. |
LoadViewState | Inherited from Control. |
MapPathSecure | Inherited from Control. |
MemberwiseClone | Inherited from Object. |
OnBubbleEvent | Inherited from Control. |
OnDataBinding | Inherited from Control. |
OnInit | Inherited from Control. |
OnLoad | Inherited from Control. |
OnPreRender | Inherited from Control. |
OnUnload | Inherited from Control. |
RaiseBubbleEvent | Inherited from Control. |
Render | Inherited from Control. |
RenderChildren | Inherited from Control. |
SaveViewState | Inherited from Control. |
TrackViewState | Inherited from Control. |
Platforms: Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family.
See Also
Reco Class | Reco Constructor | Reco Properties | Reco Methods | Reco Events | Reco Remarks