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Dtmf Properties

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage
Public Properties Description
ClientID Inherited from Control.
Controls Inherited from Control.
EnableViewState Inherited from Control.
EndSilence Gets or sets the time-out, in milliseconds, between matching a non-terminal grammar path and raising the onreco event.
GrammarSelectFunction Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that can be used to select or deselect a recognition grammar.
Grammars Specifies a collection of speech recognition grammar resources.
InitialTimeout Gets or sets the time-out, in milliseconds, between activation and the first key press.
InterDigitTimeout Gets or sets the time-out, in milliseconds, between key presses.
NamingContainer Inherited from Control.
OnClientError Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when the platform detects Dtmf control recognition errors.
OnClientKeyPress Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when the platform detects a grammatically valid DTMF key press.
OnClientNoReco Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when the platform detects no recognition.
OnClientSilence Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when the platform detects user silence.
Page Inherited from Control.
Params Specifies a collection of Param objects that specify non-standard configuration parameter values to the speech platform.
Parent Inherited from Control.
PreFlush Gets or sets whether to flush the DTMF buffer on the underlying telephony interface card before activation.
Site Inherited from Control.
TemplateSourceDirectory Inherited from Control.
UniqueID Inherited from Control.
Visible Inherited from Control.
Protected Properties Description
ChildControlsCreated Inherited from Control.
Context Inherited from Control.
Events Inherited from Control.
HasChildViewState Inherited from Control.
IsTrackingViewState Inherited from Control.
ViewState Inherited from Control.
ViewStateIgnoresCase Inherited from Control.

See Also

Dtmf Class | Dtmf Constructor | Dtmf Members | Dtmf Methods | Dtmf Events | Dtmf Remarks