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id Attribute

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

Uniquely identifies a prompt element.

<prompt id = "promptName">


The id attribute is the identifier of the prompt element. It must be a valid Extensible Markup Language (XML) name that is unique within the document in which it appears.


The following code demonstrates the use of the id attribute.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<html xmlns:salt="">
    <object id="Speechtags" CLASSID="clsid:DCF68E5B-84A1-4047-98A4-0A72276D19CC" VIEWASTEXT></object>
    <?import namespace="salt" implementation="#Speechtags" />
    <salt:prompt id="Prompt1"></salt:prompt>
    <input type="button" name="BtnStart1" value="Start Prompt" OnClick="StartPlayback1()" id="Button1">

    <script language="JScript">
      function StartPlayback1() {
        Prompt1.Start("Thank you for calling this number.");    

See Also

prompt Element