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DataTableNavigator Remarks for French (Canada)

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

Supports navigation of tables of template-specified caption and content elements.

The DataTableNavigator is a data-bound control, and must be initialized programmatically like any other data-bound control, such as the ASP.NET DataGrid control. For more information about ASP.NET data binding, see Accessing Data with ASP.NET.

If the DataSource property contains no data, the control renders no client code.

Internal QA controls

The following table shows the SpeechIndex values and DTMF usages of the internal QA controls of the DataTableNavigator Application Speech Control:

SpeechIndex QA name Supports DTMF?
1 confirm No
2 question No
3 acknowledge No

Execution Flow

Control execution follows the following flow:

  1. Play DataHeaderFields (or prompts returned from PromptSelectFunction, or prompts specified by HeaderTemplate).
  2. a. Automatic navigation off: Ask for command.
    b. Automatic navigation on: Short-timeout confirmation, silence = "prochain."
  3. If user asks:
    • For full content or a specific column: Play DataContentFields and go to step 2a.
    • For navigation ("précédent"/"prochain"/"repêter"): Navigate to specified row and go to step 1.
    • For header: Go to step 1, then 2a.
    • To exit: Ask for confirmation to exit. Stop if confirmed; otherwise, go to 1.

At the bottom of the data rows, the NextOnLast Error Message is played, auto navigation is disabled, then go to 2.

Default prompts

The following table shows the default prompts and suggested Help prompts corresponding to each phase of the DataTableNavigator control's user interaction, as indicated by the value of the control's ActiveQAPhase property.

The default prompts shown in this table are built into the control, and the control plays them automatically. Authors can use the PromptSelectFunction routine to specify custom text that overrides the default prompts. By default these prompts play as TTS, which is not desirable if the other prompts in the application are recorded. For information on how to record the default prompts in this control, see Importing and Exporting Transcriptions.

The Help prompts shown in this table are suggestions only. It is the responsibility of application authors to create Command Dialog Speech Controls that play Help prompts more or less equivalent to those shown in the table. In order to play Help prompts, authors must define a Command control with a scope that includes the DataTableNavigator control, a Type property of "Help" and an XPathTrigger property of "/SML/Help".

The QuestionPrompt property must be set by the application author, or the control will raise an exception.

Each Application Speech Control has one or more properties of the SemanticItem type, which contain text recognized from user responses. That text is included in certain default prompts.

question QA control
Prompt: QuestionPrompt.value
Help: "s'il-vous-plaît dites-moi lire, prochain, précédent, premier, dernier or sélectionner."
confirm QA control
Prompt: m'avez-vous dit
Help: "s'il-vous-plaît, dites oui ou non, ou donnez-moi la bonne option."
All QA controls
Silence: "je ne vous ai pas entendue."
NoReco: "je ne vous ai pas compris."
Navigation prompts
PreviousOnFirstError: "vous êtes déjà sur le premier item."
NextOnLastError: "vous êtes déjà sur le dernier item."
PreviousOnOnlyItemError: "ceci est le seul item disponible."
NextOnOnlyItemError: "ceci est le seul item disponible."

Default grammar

The default grammar will allow the names of content columns, and the following commands: terminer|canceller, sélectionner, en tête, premier|début, dernier|fin, prochain, précédent, lire|plus de details, and repêter.

Command Action
premier|début Navigate to first row. Go to step 1 of execution flow.
dernier|fin Navigate to last row. Go to step 1 of execution flow.
précédent Navigate to the previous row. If already on first row before issuing command, play the PreviousOnFirstError Message, else go to step 1 of execution flow.
prochain Navigate to the next row. If already on last row before issuing command, play NextOnLastError Message, else go to step 1 of execution flow.
lire|plus de details Play DataContentFields (or return value of PromptSelectFunction, or ContentTemplate). Go to step 2a of execution flow.
en tête Play HeaderFields (or return value of PromptSelectFunction, or HeaderTemplate). Go to step 2a of execution flow.
sélectionner Select the current row and ask confirmation to terminate control execution.
terminer|canceller Ask confirmation to terminate control execution.
repêter Repeat last prompt (whether it was a content or header prompt).


This example presumes that users of voice-only devices check e-mail at a speech-enabled page on a corporate Web site. The format of that data is shown in the following table.

spécifications du produitBurt G.les spécifications du produit ont été mises à jour
vacancesCharlene L.veuillez mettre la feuille de calcul à jour avec vos plans de vacances pour l'été
rappel pour le pique-nique de l'entreprisePersonneln'oubliez pas -- le pique-nique de l'entreprise a lieu ce week-end!
Control: "vous avez trois nouveaux messages"
User: "premier"
Control: "spécifications du produit"
User: "lire"
Control: "Burt G. les spécifications du produit ont été mises à jour"
User: "envoyeur"
Control: "Burt G."
User: "prochain"
Control: "vacances"
User: "prochain"
Control: "rappel pour le pique-nique de l'entreprise"
User: "précédent"
Control: "vacances"
User: "lire"
Control: "Charlene L. veuillez mettre la feuille de calcul à jour avec vos plans de vacances pour l'été"
User: "terminer"

See Also

DataTableNavigator Class | DataTableNavigator Constructor | DataTableNavigator Members | DataTableNavigator Properties | DataTableNavigator Methods | DataTableNavigator Events