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OMath Members

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Represents an equation. OMath objects are members of the OMaths collection.

The OMath type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method BuildUp Converts an equation to a professional format.
Public method ConvertToLiteralText Converts an equation to literal text.
Public method ConvertToMathText Converts an equation to math text.
Public method ConvertToNormalText Converts an equation to normal text.
Public method Linearize Converts an equation into a linear format.
Public method Remove Removes an equation from the collection of equations in a document, range, or selection.



  Name Description
Public property AlignPoint Returns or sets an Integer that represents the character position of the alignment point in the equation. Read/write.
Public property Application Returns an _Application object that represents the Microsoft Word application.
Public property ArgIndex Returns an Integer that represents the argument index of this component relative to the containing math object. Read-only.
Public property ArgSize Returns or sets an Integer that represents the script size of an argument, for example, text, script, or script-script. Read/write.
Public property Breaks Returns an OMathBreaks collection that represents the line breaks in an equation. Read-only.
Public property Creator Returns a 32-bit Integer that indicates the application in which the add-in was created. Read-only.
Public property Functions Returns an OMathFunctions collection that represents the functions contained within an equation. Read-only.
Public property Justification Returns or sets a WdOMathJc that represents the justification for an equation. Read/write.
Public property NestingLevel Returns an Integer that represents the nesting level for an OMath object. Read-only.
Public property Parent Returns the parent object of the specified OMath object.
Public property ParentArg Returns an OMath object that represents the parent, or containing, argument. Read-only.
Public property ParentCol Returns a OMathMatCol object that represents the parent column in a matrix. Read-only.
Public property ParentFunction Returns an OMathFunction object that represents the parent, or containing, function. Read-only.
Public property ParentOMath Returns a OMath object that represents the parent element. Read-only.
Public property ParentRow Returns a OMathMatRow object that represents the parent row in a matrix. Read-only.
Public property Range Returns a Range object that represents the portion of a document that is contained in the specified object. Read-only.
Public property Type Returns or sets a WdOMathType constant that represents whether an equation is displayed inline with the text around it or displayed on its own line. Read/write.


See Also


OMath Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace