Form.FrozenColumns Property (Access)
You can use the FrozenColumns property to determine how many columns in a datasheet are frozen. Read/write Integer.
expression .FrozenColumns
expression A variable that represents a Form object.
Frozen columns are displayed on the left side of the datasheet and don't move when you scroll horizontally through the datasheet.
The FrozenColumns property applies only to tables, forms, and queries in Datasheet view.
In Visual Basic, this property setting is an Integer value indicating the number of columns in the datasheet that have been frozen by using the Freeze Columns command. The record selector column is always frozen, so the default value is 1. Consequently, if you freeze one column, the FrozenColumns property is set to 2; if you freeze two columns, it's set to 3; and so on.
The following example uses the FrozenColumns property to determine how many columns are frozen in a table in Datasheet view. If more than three columns are frozen, the table size is maximized so you can see as many unfrozen columns as possible.
Sub CheckFrozen(strTableName As String)
Dim dbs As Object
Dim tdf As Object
Dim prp As Variant
Const DB_Integer As Integer = 3
Const conPropertyNotFound = 3270 ' Property not found error.
Set dbs = CurrentDb ' Get current database.
Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs(strTableName) ' Get object for table.
DoCmd.OpenTable strTableName, acNormal ' Open table.
On Error GoTo Frozen_Err
If tdf.Properties("FrozenColumns") > 3 Then ' Check property.
End If
Exit Sub
If Err = conPropertyNotFound Then ' Property not in collection.
Set prp = tdf.CreateProperty("FrozenColumns", DB_Integer, 1)
tdf.Properties.Append prp
Resume Frozen_Bye
End If
End Sub