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Project 2007 Overview for Developers

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Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 is an entirely new platform for developing enterprise project management solutions. The Project Server platform is built with the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and uses Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Web services as the primary programming interface. Many of the Web methods return or consume Microsoft ADO.NET 2.0 DataSet objects for managing Project Server data. Microsoft Office Project Web Access is based on Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Web Parts. Project Server is completely re-architected to make it easier for developers to extend and integrate Project Server with other applications.

In This Section

Project Server Architecture and Programmability describes the major parts of the Project platform, including the Project clients and Project Server. This section includes a summary of the programmability features of Project Server.

Project Server Security Primer describes authentication and authorization for Project Server and how group permissions work.

Project Server Events explains the Project Server event architecture including the event catalog, event types, and event handlers.

Resource Management Data explains the data relationships for resource utilization, capacity, project assignments, timesheets and status updates, nonproject time, and resource plans.

Local and Enterprise Custom Fields explains the differences between local and enterprise custom fields. Describes how to create enterprise custom fields, lookup tables, formulas, graphical indicators, add custom fields to OLAP cubes, and get custom field information from the Reporting database.

Changes for Custom Project Guides compares the new ClassID properties for Project Guide objects in Project 2007 with Project 2003, shows updates required for the Critical Path custom Project Guide, and lists changed files for the default Project Guide. The article also shows how to deploy a custom Project Guide using a SharePoint site and install it with a custom toolbar in the enterprise global template.

VBA Object Model Changes describes the use of new Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) classes, methods, properties, events, and enumerations that support major new features in Project 2007.

Project Server Interface (PSI) Overview describes how to program with the PSI and DataSet objects, use Project Server events, and programmatically log on to Project Server. This section also addresses parity of the PSI with Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 Project Data Service (PDS).