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Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library Namespace

Third-party developers typically use enumerations such as Project.ProjectType, and the Filter, PSClientError, and PSErrorInfo classes. Most classes in the Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library namespace are used internally.


  Class Description
Public class Activity
Public class Admin
Public class ADSyncERPSettings Settings for synchronizing the Enterprise Resource Pool with Active Directory directory services.
Public class ADSyncGroupSettings Manage settings for synchronizing Active Directory groups with the Enterprise Resource Pool.
Public class Assignment
Public class AssignmentProperties
Public class AssnConstID
Public class CalendarConstants
Public class CalendarProperties
Public class CBSRequestMessage
Public class ConstraintProperties
Public class CubeStatus
Public class CubeUtility
Public class CustomField
Public class DataAccess
Public class Entity This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class EntityCollection Collection of entity metadata for assignment, calendar, constraint, outline code, project, resource, and task entities.
Public class Filter
Public class Filter.CustomField
Public class Filter.Field
Public class Filter.FieldBase
Public class Filter.FieldCollection
Public class Filter.FieldOperator
Public class Filter.LogicalOperator
Public class GeneralUtility
Public class LookupTableProperties
Public class LookupTables
Public class Notification
Public class PjMembershipUser
Public class Project
Public class ProjectApplicationServiceUnavailableException
Public class ProjectFarmQuiescingException
Public class ProjectProperties
Public class ProjectServerDownException
Public class Property
Public class PropertyCollection
Public class PSClientError Contains information about a SOAP exception for a PSI method.
Public class PSContextInfo
Public class PSDataTable
Public class PSDBUtility
Public class PSErrorInfo
Public class PSEventNameMap
Public class PSSupportedLanguages
Public class QueueConstants
Public class Reporting
Public class Reporting.AdminItem
Public class Resource
Public class ResourcePlan
Public class ResourceProperties
Public class RscConstID
Public class Rules
Public class Security
Public class SRConstants
Public class StatusFreq
Public class StatusingSecurityDescriptors
Public class TableStrings
Public class Task
Public class TaskConstID
Public class TaskManagement
Public class TaskProperties
Public class TimeScaleClass
Public class TimesheetConst
Public class ValidationConst
Public class Version
Public class ViewConstants
Public class WSS


  Structure Description
Public structure PSDBField
Public structure PSDBTable
Public structure PSSecurityCategory
Public structure PSSecurityCategoryPermission
Public structure PSSecurityGlobalPermission
Public structure PSSecurityGroup
Public structure PSSecurityObjectType
Public structure PSTrackingMode
Public structure QueueConstants.QueueMsgInfo
Public structure SrPeriod
Public structure TimesheetEnum Defines a timesheet enumeration structure.


  Interface Description
Public interface Filter.IOperator
Public interface IPSContextInfo


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration Admin.ArchiveOpcode Specifies the type of object to save to the Archive database.
Public enumeration ADSyncFrequencyUnit Specifies the time unit for synchronization of Project Server groups or the Enterprise Resource Pool with Active Directory directory services.
Public enumeration ADSyncStatus Status of the Enterprise Resource Pool synchronization with Active Directory directory service groups.
Public enumeration Assignment.OtherType
Public enumeration AssnHistoryItemType Specifies the assignment history item type.
Public enumeration CalendarConstants.CalendarExceptionNumericalPosition Specifies the numerical calendar exception position.
Public enumeration CalendarConstants.CalendarRecurrenceDays Represents the days of the week for recurring calendar exceptions.
Public enumeration CalendarConstants.CalendarRecurrenceType Specifies the recurrence type for calendar exceptions.
Public enumeration CBS_CFNames
Public enumeration Classification Specifies the Classification property of the Property class.
Public enumeration CubeStatus.BuildStage This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration CubeStatus.CbsProcessErrorId This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration CubeStatus.MessageLevel This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration CubeStatus.MessageStatus This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration CustomField.AcceptableMaxValues Specifies the acceptable maximum value for a custom field.
Public enumeration CustomField.LocalType Specifies the type for a Project local custom field.
Public enumeration CustomField.Prefix This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration CustomField.Range This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration CustomField.Scope This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration CustomField.SummaryRollup Specifies the summary roll-up type.
Public enumeration CustomField.Type Specifies the type for a Project enterprise custom field.
Public enumeration DataStoreEnum Specifies the Project Server database: Draft, Published, Archive, or Reporting.
Public enumeration DelegationFilterType Selects assignments that can be delegated.
Public enumeration EpmCubeEntityType This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration Filter.FieldOperationType Specifies the operation type for a filter.
Public enumeration Filter.LogicalOperationType Specifies the logical operation type for a filter.
Public enumeration Filter.MatchType Specifies the match type for a filter.
Public enumeration Filter.PropertyTypeEnum Specifies the property type for a filter.
Public enumeration Filter.SortOrderTypeEnum Specifies the sort order for column names returned by a filter.
Public enumeration LookupTables.LocalMaskSequence This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration LookupTables.MaskSequence Specifies the sequence or type of data for a lookup table.
Public enumeration LookupTables.SortOrder Specifies the preferred sort order for lookup tables.
Public enumeration Notification.RecipientType Defines whether the team member, manager, or both receive this reminder notification.
Public enumeration Notification.ReminderCategory Specifies the category of the reminder notification.
Public enumeration Notification.ReminderFrequencyType Indicates the frequency at which a particular reminder is sent.
Public enumeration Notification.ReminderOriginType Specifies the origin of the reminder notification.
Public enumeration OlapCubeType This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration Project.CurrencySymbolPosition Specifies the placement of the currency symbol.
Public enumeration Project.ProjectRelationship
Public enumeration Project.ProjectType Specifies the type of project.
Public enumeration Project.StaleFlags
Public enumeration Project.WorkFormat Specifies the work format.
Public enumeration ProjectDataType Specifies the type of project data.
Public enumeration ProjectSecurityRules Specifies the dynamic rules for projects in security categories.
Public enumeration PropertyType
Public enumeration ProposalListModerationStatus Specifies the moderation status of a proposal.
Public enumeration PSDataType
Public enumeration PSDurationFormat Specifies the format type for a duration.
Public enumeration PSErrorID Indicates error codes for Project Server.
Public enumeration PSEventID Identifies a Project Server business entity pre-event or post-event.
Public enumeration PWSListTemplateType Specifies the template type for the project workspace.
Public enumeration PWSWebPartViewType Specifies the Web Part view type for the project workspace.
Public enumeration QueueConstants.AdminAction This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration QueueConstants.BlockPolicy This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration QueueConstants.CorrelationPriority Specifies the correlation priority type.
Public enumeration QueueConstants.GroupState This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration QueueConstants.JobState Specifies the status of a queue job.
Public enumeration QueueConstants.QueueID Specifies the queue identifier.
Public enumeration QueueConstants.QueueMsgPriority Specifies the queue message priority type.
Public enumeration QueueConstants.QueueMsgType Specifies a queue system message type.
Public enumeration QueueConstants.RendezvousState This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration QueueConstants.SortColumn Specifies the column by which to sort the QueueStatusDataSet.StatusDataTable object.
Public enumeration QueueConstants.SortOrder Specifies how queue items are sorted.
Public enumeration QueueConstants.StatType This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration Reporting.AssignmentType This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration Reporting.MessageAction This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration Reporting.RefreshJobStatus This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration ReportingDBSynchronizationPhase This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration Resource.AccrueAt Specifies how and when resource costs are to be charged to the cost of a task.
Public enumeration Resource.BookingType Specifies how assignments are booked.
Public enumeration Resource.DeletionConstratints This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration Resource.OvertimeRateFormat Specifies the rate description format in which the overtime rate is displayed.
Public enumeration Resource.ResourceDataTypes This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration Resource.StandardRateFormat Specifes the rate description format in which the rate is displayed.
Public enumeration Resource.TimePhasedRowType This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration Resource.Type Specifies the type of resource.
Public enumeration Resource.WorkgroupMessaging This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration ResourceActiveFilter Specifies the resource filter type.
Public enumeration ResourcePlan.ResPlanStatus Specifies the status of a resource plan.
Public enumeration ResourcePlan.UtilizationType This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration ResourceSecurityRules Specifies the dynamic rules for resources in security categories.
Public enumeration Rules.ConditionType This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration Rules.FieldSource This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration Rules.OperatorType This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration Rules.RuleListItemType This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration Rules.RuleType This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration Rules.ValueType This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration Security.FieldAccessID Specifies the field access type.
Public enumeration Security.FieldGroupID
Public enumeration Security.PermissionID
Public enumeration SRConstants.ReadMode
Public enumeration SRConstants.SubmitStatus
Public enumeration StatusingReportingDisplay Specifies the reporting period types used by Statusing.
Public enumeration StatusingReportingPeriod Specifies the reporting period type used by Statusing.
Public enumeration StatusUpdateType
Public enumeration TableStrings.Operation
Public enumeration Task.AddPositionType Specifies where to add a task in a project.
Public enumeration Task.ConstraintType Specifies the constraint type for a task.
Public enumeration Task.DurationFormat Specifies the format type for a task duration.
Public enumeration Task.EarnedValueMethod
Public enumeration Task.FixedCostAccrual Specifies how and when fixed costs are to be charged to the cost of a task.
Public enumeration TaskManagement.StatusApprovalType Specifies the status approval type of an update.
Public enumeration TimeScaleClass.TimeScale Specifies the scale of the timephased data.
Public enumeration TimesheetEnum.Action Specifies the action to take on a timesheet.
Public enumeration TimesheetEnum.ActionState Specifies the state of a timesheet line for an action, such as getting a list of timesheet entries.
Public enumeration TimesheetEnum.AuditOperationType Specifies the audit operation type.
Public enumeration TimesheetEnum.AuditResType Specifies the type of resource that can audit timesheet entries.
Public enumeration TimesheetEnum.AuditType Specifies the audit type as by adjuster, resource, or both.
Public enumeration TimesheetEnum.EntryMode Specifies whether the timesheet entry mode is daily or weekly.
Public enumeration TimesheetEnum.LineClassState Specifies the state of a timesheet line.
Public enumeration TimesheetEnum.LineClassType Specifies the type of timesheet line.
Public enumeration TimesheetEnum.LineStatus Specifies the approval status of a timesheet line.
Public enumeration TimesheetEnum.ListSelect Filter timesheets returned by the ReadTimesheetList method.
Public enumeration TimesheetEnum.Navigation Specifies how to navigate a list of timesheet lines.
Public enumeration TimesheetEnum.PeriodState Specifies the state of a timesheet period for an action, such as getting a list of timesheet periods.
Public enumeration TimesheetEnum.PreloadType Indicates the lines to preload into a timesheet.
Public enumeration TimesheetEnum.Process Specifies the process for a timesheet entry.
Public enumeration TimesheetEnum.QueueJobStatus Specifies the status of a timesheet Queuing Service job.
Public enumeration TimesheetEnum.Status Specifies the status of a timesheet.
Public enumeration TimesheetEnum.ValidationType Specifies the validation type of a timesheet line.
Public enumeration ViewConstants.ViewType
Public enumeration WebObjectDatabaseType
Public enumeration WebObjectLinkType Specifies the type of link between Web objects in an ObjectLinkProviderDataSet object.
Public enumeration WebObjectType Specifies the type of Web object.