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Namespaces in the PSI

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The Project Server Interface (PSI) in Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 includes 23 Web services. Each PSI Web service is the programming interface for one Project Server business entity and may contain a few to many methods. A PSI Web service has the same name as the business entity it represents; for example, the Calendar Web service represents the Calendar business entity.

Table 1 lists and generally describes the PSI Web services.

Arbitrary Namespace Names

A Web service namespace is an arbitrary name that you create when you set a reference to the Web service during development. For example, if you name the reference to the Calendar Web service CalendarWebSvc in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, when you compile the application the Web service proxy assembly includes the CalendarWebSvc namespace with the Calendar class.

Methods in the Calendar Web service include CheckOutCalendars, CreateCalendars, DeleteCalendars, and so forth. The fully qualified name for the CreateCalendars method in your application would be CalendarWebSvc.Calendar.CreateCalendars. If you named the Calendar Web service reference CalendarWS, the fully qualified name would be CalendarWS.Calendar.CreateCalendars. To avoid confusion between a Web service namespace and its class, it is helpful to give a distinct name to the Web reference.


The PSI Reference uses a placeholder name for each PSI Web service namespace that is enclosed in brackets. The Project Web service namespace placeholder is [Project Web service], the CustomFields namespace placeholder is [CustomFields Web service], and so forth. These placeholder names replace the arbitrary Web service namespaces in the proxy assembly created for the PSI reference. For context-sensitive links in your code to the PSI Reference within Visual Studio Help (F1 help) to work, your namespaces need to match the proxy assembly namespaces created for the PSI Reference. They all have a WebSvc prefix, for example, WebSvcCustomFields and WebSvcProject.

For more information about the PSI namespace names, see PSI Reference Overview. For information about how to use the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) utility with the .asmx files for Web services, see Finding the PSI Web Services.

PSI Web Services

Table 1 describes the general methods in each of the PSI Web services and includes a list of the DataSet objects that each Web service uses. The Web service name is the name of the .asmx file that references the Web service. For example, the Project.asmx file references the Project Web service. The Project Web service is the API for the Project business entity in Project Server. In the PSI Reference, you can find the Project class and all related DataSet classes within the [Project Web service] namespace.


The Authentication, PWA, View, and WinProj Web services are for internal use only by Project Professional or Project Web Access, and are not supported for third-party developers.

Table 1. PSI Web services and Project Server business entities

Web Service / Business Entity



The Admin class includes methods that are used in the Project Server Administration pages in Project Web Access. Define fiscal years. Manage statusing and currency settings, reporting periods, the audit log, and Microsoft Active Directory directory services.

Methods typically use or return one of the following objects:


The Archive class contains methods that manage backing up and restoring projects, security categories, custom fields, resources, system settings, views, and the enterprise global project. Read and update the archive schedule. Archive all projects or delete specified archived projects. Back up to the Archive database and restore to the Published database.

Methods typically use or return one of the following objects:


The Authentication class includes methods for internal use by Project Professional and Project Web Access. Access to the Authentication Web service is available only through the Shared Services Provider URL and is not supported for third-party development. For more information about the Authentication methods, see Internal PSI Web Services.


The Calendar class contains methods that manage enterprise calendar exceptions. Check out and check in resource calendars. Create, delete, list all, update, or return calendar exceptions.

Methods typically use or return a CalendarDataSet object or calendar GUIDs.


The CubeAdmin class includes methods that manage OLAP cube settings. Get Analysis Server and database status, and a list of cubes. Put a Cube Build Service (CBS) request on the queue. Read and update cube calculated member definitions and field settings for dimensions and measures.

Methods typically use or return one of the following objects:


The CustomFields class has methods that manage enterprise custom fields. Check out, check in, read, create, delete, and update custom fields.

Methods typically use or return a CustomFieldDataSet object, or arrays of custom field GUIDs.


The Events class includes methods that manage Project Server event handler associations. Read the list of Project Server events, event handler associations for a specific event, or all event handler associations. Create, update, and delete event handler associations.

Methods typically use or return an EventsDataSet or an EventHandlersDataSet object.


The LoginForms class provides the Login and Logoff methods with Project Server authentication. Access to the LoginForms Web service is available only with Project Web Access URLs.


The LoginWindows class provides the Login and Logoff methods with Windows authentication. Access to the LoginWindows Web service is available only with Project Web Access URLs.


The LookupTable class has methods that manage lookup tables and multilanguage lookup tables, and their corresponding code masks. Check out, check in, read, create, delete, and update lookup tables.

Methods typically use or return a LookupTableDataSet or LookupTableMultiLangDataSet object or arrays of lookup table GUIDs.


The Notifications class has methods that manage alerts and reminders. Get, set, register, or unregister alerts or reminders. Methods typically use or return an AlertSubscriptionInfoDataSet or ReminderSubscriptionInfoDataSetobject, strings for an alert name, description, an XSLT transformation, or a GUID.


The WebSvcObjectLinkProvider class has methods that manage Web objects and links for issues, risks, documents, deliverables, and other list items on project workspace SharePoint sites. Create, delete, or read SharePoint, project, project-linked, task, or task-linked Web objects. Update item links.

Methods typically use or return an ObjectLinkProviderDataSet object; a Web object, project, or task GUID; or a WebObjectLinkType enumeration.


The Project class has methods that manage projects. Check out, check in, create, delete, read, or update projects in the Draft or Published database. Put a message on the queue for publishing. Create or delete entities within projects (tasks, resources, assignments, and so forth). Get information about or update the project team or workspace address.

Get project status, a list of projects in the Draft database, all summary tasks, tasks available for assignment to a specified resource, or all projects where a resource has assignments. Create and manage deliverables, create operations projects or project proposals from Windows SharePoint Services task lists. Find relationships between projects and a master project.

Methods typically use or return project GUIDs or one of the following datasets:


The PWA class contains many methods that are optimized for Project Web Access and used internally only, including the methods for task update approval rules and for managing status reports. The PWA methods are often specialized and somewhat redundant compared to equivalent methods in the generic PSI Web services. PWA methods and parameters can change with service pack releases. The PWA methods are available only through the Shared Services Provider URL and are not supported for third-party development.

PWA methods typically use or return many of the same datasets as the other PSI methods, or specialized administration datasets. PWA methods have minimal documentation. For more information about the PWA methods, see Internal PSI Web Services.


The QueueSystem class contains methods that manage the Project Server Queuing Service. Get job count, job and job group wait time, status of all jobs, specified jobs, jobs owned by the caller, or jobs for specified projects. Methods can cancel or retry a queue job, manage job correlation, and configure the queue.

Methods typically use the QueueMsgType or JobState enumerations, a QueueStatusDataSet or QueueStatusRequestDataSet object, or job GUIDs.


The Resource class contains methods that manage enterprise resources. Check out, check in, update, or create resources or Project Server users and their authorization settings. Activate or deactivate users. Find resources by name or GUID. Read resource or user data and related security information. Get all assignments for a resource.

Methods typically use or return resource GUIDs or one of the following objects:


The ResourcePlan class includes methods that manage resource plans. Check out, check in, create, delete, publish, read, or update resource plans.

Methods typically use or return a ResourcePlanDataSet object.


The Security class includes methods that manage security templates, security categories and field access codes, organizational and global permissions, and user and group permissions.

Methods typically use or return one of the following DataSet objects:


The Statusing class includes methods that manage status updates and assignments. Apply status updates or approvals, submit status updates, set summary information for submitted updates, delete approved status updates or approval history for a specified user, or delete all status information for a set of projects. Create, get, or delegate assignments; set assignment work duration. Get new assignments for the current user; get assignment or task transaction history, the timephased actuals, or the summary task hierarchy.

Preview or import timesheet data, or read a user's working and nonworking schedule. Find pending status updates, information for submitted updates, or a transaction record of changes in a submitted update. Read team status.

Methods can use project GUIDs or a DelegationFilterType enumeration. Methods typically use or return one of the following objects:


The TimeSheet class has methods that manage timesheets. Create, delete, submit, update, read, recall, or audit timesheets. Find timesheets that are late or pending approval; find timesheets by date or period. Get a list of timesheet approvers. Preload work actuals and validate a timesheet line. Get information about nonproject (administrative) timesheet lines.

Methods can use enumerations such as Action, PreloadType, or Navigation, or timesheet, timesheet line, approver, period, resource, or assignment GUIDs. Methods typically use one of the following objects:


The View Web service is designed for use only within Project Web Access. Methods in the View class manage views and view reports and read fields in views.

Access to the View Web service is available only through the SSP URL. The View methods are not supported for third-party development. For more information, see Internal PSI Web Services.


The WinProj Web service is a Project Server system entity designed for use only by Project Professional 2007. Third-party developers should not use WinProj methods for programming with Project Server 2007. Some parameters require binary data, and methods and parameters can change with service pack releases. The WinProj methods are available only through the Shared Services Provider URL and are not supported for third-party development.

Some WinProj methods use datasets such as ProjectRelationsDataSet and ResourceDataSet that the Project and Resource Web services also use, but require specific properties and functions in Project Professional. For more information about the WinProj methods, see Internal PSI Web Services.


The WssInterop class contains methods that manage project workspaces. Create and delete workspaces. Get information about and update the Windows SharePoint Services settings and administration sites. Synchronize and update the workspace site membership and groups with Project Server users.

Methods typically use or return view or table GUIDs or one of the following objects:

See Also


PSI Reference Overview

Finding the PSI Web Services

Internal PSI Web Services