Returns or sets the percentage of work complete for a Resource. Read-only Variant.
expression A variable that represents a Resource object.
Return Value
The following example sets the Marked property to True for each task in the active project with a percentage of work complete that exceeds the percentage specified by the user.
Visual Basic for Applications
Sub MarkTasks()
Dim T As Task ' Task object used in For Each loop
Dim Entry As String ' Percentage entered by user
' Prompt user for a percentage.
Entry = InputBox$("Mark tasks that exceed what percentage of work complete? (0-100)")
If Not IsNumeric(Entry) Then
MsgBox ("Please enter a number only.")
Exit Sub
ElseIf Entry < 0 Or Entry > 100 Then
MsgBox ("You did not enter a percentage from 0 to 100.")
Exit Sub
End If
' Mark tasks with percentage of work complete greater than user entry.
For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks
If T.<strong class="bterm">PercentWorkComplete</strong> > Val(Entry) Then
T.Marked = True
T.Marked = False
End If
Next T