Represents a task. The Task object is a member of the Tasks collection.
Using the Task Object
Use Tasks(Index), where Index is the task index number or task name, to return a single Task object. The following example prints the name of every resource assigned to every task in the active project.
Dim Temp As Long, A As Assignment
Dim TaskName As String, Assigned As String, Results As String
For Temp = 1 To ActiveProject.Tasks.Count
TaskName = "Task: " & ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).Name & vbCrLf
For Each A In ActiveProject.Tasks(Temp).Assignments
Assigned = A.ResourceName & ListSeparator & " " & Assigned
Next A
Results = Results & TaskName & "Resources: " & _
Left$(Assigned, Len(Assigned) - Len(ListSeparator & " ")) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
TaskName = ""
Assigned = ""
Next Temp
MsgBox Results
Using the Tasks Collection
Use the Tasks property to return a Tasks collection. The following example displays the name of every task in the selection.
Dim T As Task, Names As String
For Each T In ActiveSelection.Tasks
Names = Names & T.Name & vbCrLf
Next T
MsgBox Names
Use the Add method to add a Task object to the Tasks collection. The following example adds a new task to the end of the task list.