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KeyBinding.Disable Method

Word Developer Reference

Removes the specified key combination if it is currently assigned to a command. After you use this method, the key combination has no effect.



expression   Required. A variable that represents a KeyBinding object.


Using this method is the equivalent to clicking the Remove button in the Customize Keyboard dialog box. Use the Clear method with a KeyBinding object to reset a built-in command to its default key assignment. You don't need to remove or rebind a KeyBinding object before adding it elsewhere.


This example removes the CTRL+SHIFT+B key assignment. This key combination is assigned to the Bold command by default.

Visual Basic for Applications
  CustomizationContext = NormalTemplate
FindKey(BuildKeyCode(wdKeyControl, wdKeyShift, wdKeyB)).Disable

This example assigns the CTRL+SHIFT+O key combination to the Organizer command. The example then uses the Disable method to remove the CTRL+SHIFT+O key combination and displays a message.

Visual Basic for Applications
  CustomizationContext = NormalTemplate
KeyBindings.Add KeyCode:=BuildKeyCode(wdKeyO, _
    wdKeyControl, wdKeyShift), _
    KeyCategory:=wdKeyCategoryCommand, Command:="Organizer"
With FindKey(BuildKeyCode(wdKeyO, wdKeyControl, wdKeyShift))
    MsgBox .Command & " is assigned to CTRL+Shift+O"
    If .Command = "" Then MsgBox _
        "Nothing is assigned to CTRL+Shift+O"
End With

This example removes all key assignments for the global macro named "Macro1."

Visual Basic for Applications
  Dim kbLoop As KeyBinding

CustomizationContext = NormalTemplate For Each kbLoop In KeysBoundTo _ (KeyCategory:=wdKeyCategoryMacro, Command:="Macro1") kbLoop.Disable Next kbLoop

See Also