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GroupCriteria.Add Method

Project Developer Reference

Adds a GroupCriterion object to GroupCriteria collection.


expression.Add(FieldName, Ascending, FontName, FontSize, FontBold, FontItalic, FontUnderLine, FontColor, CellColor, Pattern, GroupOn, StartAt, GroupInterval)

expression   A variable that represents a GroupCriteria object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
FieldName Required String The name of the field being grouped by.
Ascending Optional Boolean True if the field in a group definition should be grouped in ascending order. False if the field should be grouped in descending order. The default value is True.
FontName Optional String The name of the font for a group definition.
FontSize Optional [INT] The size of the font in a group definition, in points. The default value is 8.
FontBold Optional Boolean True if the font in a group definition is bold. The default value is True.
FontItalic Optional Boolean True if the font in a group definition is italic. The default value is False.
FontUnderLine Optional Boolean True if the font in a group definition is underlined. The default value is False.
FontColor Optional Long The color of the font in a group definition. Can be one of the PjColor constants. The default value is pjBlack.
CellColor Optional Long The color of the cell background in a group definition. Can be one of the PjColor constants. The default value is pjColorAutomatic.
Pattern Optional Long The pattern for the cells in a group definition. Can be one of the PjBackgroundPattern constants.
GroupOn Optional Long The type of grouping in a group definition. Can be one of the PjGroupOn constants. The default value is pjGroupOnEachValue.
StartAt Optional Variant The start of the intervals in a group definition. The default value is 0 for all fields except date fields, where it is the string "Project Start Date".
GroupInterval Optional Variant The interval in a group definition. The default value is 1.

Return Value

See Also