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PSI Methods for the RDB

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Only three Project Server Interface (PSI) methods work directly with the Reporting database (RDB) in Microsoft Office Project Server 2007. Data does not originate in the RDB; it arrives as a result of upstream changes to projects, resources, calendars, and other items.

You do not need to explicitly synchronize the RDB with data in the Published database of Project Server. If you must customize data in the RDB, then you can use post-events in the Report Data Service (RDS) or pre-events and post-events in the upstream Project Server processes.

PSI Methods

PSI methods for the RDB are used for synchronization with SharePoint data or for a special tool in the Project Resource Kit. Following are the PSI methods that directly affect the RDB.

  • QueueApplyResourceCapacityTimeRange   A Windows SharePoint Services timer service calls QueueApplyResourceCapacityTimeRange every night to maintain resource capacity data. The Project Web Access site administrator can set the time for resource capacity updates and the months-back and months-ahead time range for capacity data on the Additional Server Settings page (http://ServerName/ProjectServerName/_layouts/pwa/Admin/ServerConfig.aspx).


    We recommend that you do not call QueueApplyResourceCapacityTimeRange during peak hours after a significant extension of the capacity window or with the forceFullSync parameter set to true. The process of loading all base and resource calendars and calculating capacity is both memory and CPU intensive.

  • QueueSynchronizeProjectWorkspace   Project Server calls QueueSynchronizeProjectWorkspace when the administrator of a SharePoint project workspace site requests that the issues, risks, and deliverables lists are synchronized with the RDB. On the Project Workspaces page in Project Web Access (http://ServerName/ProjectServerName/_layouts/pwa/Admin/ManageWSS.aspx), select a project workspace, and then click Synchronize. The MSP_WssIssue, MSP_WssRisk, and MSP_WssDeliverable tables in the RDB are updated with new issues, risks, and deliverables.

    Synchronization happens automatically when a project is published. Use QueueSynchronizeProjectWorkspace if data in the project workspace is changed more frequently than the project is published.

See Also


The Reporting Database and Report Data Service

Events for the RDB

Project Server Events