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<Project> Element

<Project> is the top level element of the document. It stores all data for each project, including calendars, assignments, tasks, resources, extended attributes, work breakdown structure (WBS codes), and custom outline codes.

Element Properties

Property Value
Data Type Complex Type
Minimum Occurrences 1
Maximum Occurrences 1
Default Value N/A
Abstract False
Nillable False
Element Constraints Sequence

Child Elements

List of Child Elements

Element Required/Optional Description
<UID> Optional The unique ID for the project.
<Name> Optional The name of the project.
<Title> Optional The title of the project.
<Subject> Optional The subject of the project.
<Category> Optional The category the project belongs to.
<Company> Optional The name of the company that created the project.
<Manager> Optional The manager of the project.
<Author> Optional The author of the project.
<CreationDate> Optional The date the project was created.
<Revision> Optional The number of times that the project has been saved.
<LastSaved> Optional The date the project was last saved.
<ScheduleFromStart> Optional Indicates whether the project is scheduled from its start date or finish date.
<StartDate> Optional The date and time that a project is scheduled to begin; required if ScheduleFromStart is True.
<FinishDate> Optional The date and time that a project is scheduled to end; required if ScheduleFromStart is False.
<FYStartDate> Optional The month the fiscal year begins.
<CriticalSlackLimit> Optional The number of days past its end date that a task can go before Microsoft Office Project 2003 marks that task as a critical task.
<CurrencyDigits> Optional The number of digits that appear after the decimal when currency values are shown in Project.
<CurrencySymbol> Optional The currency symbol used to represent the type of currency used in the project.
<CurrencySymbolPosition> Optional Indicates the placement of the currency symbol in relation to the currency value:
<CalendarUID> Optional The unique ID for the calendar used in the project.
<DefaultStartTime> Optional The default start time for all new tasks.
<DefaultFinishTime> Optional The default finish time for all new tasks.
<MinutesPerDay> Optional The default number of minutes per day.
<MinutesPerWeek> Optional The default number of minutes per week.
<DaysPerMonth> Optional The default number of working days per month.
<DefaultTaskType> Optional The default type for all new tasks in the project.
<DefaultFixedCostAccrual> Optional The default measuring point when fixed costs are accrued.
<DefaultStandardRate> Optional The default standard rate for new resources.
<DefaultOvertimeRate> Optional The default overtime rate for new resources.
<DurationFormat> Optional The default format for all durations in the project
<WorkFormat> Optional The default format for all work durations in the project.
<EditableActualCosts> Optional Indicates whether Project automatically calculates actual costs.
<HonorConstraints> Optional Indicates whether Project schedules tasks according to their constraint dates instead of any task dependencies.
<EarnedValueMethod> Optional The default method for calculating earned value.
<InsertedProjectsLikeSummary> Optional Indicates whether inserted projects are treated as summary tasks rather than as separate projects for schedule calculation.
<MultipleCriticalPaths> Optional Indicates whether Project calculates and displays a critical path for each independent network of tasks within a project.
<NewTasksEffortDriven> Optional Indicates whether new tasks are effort-driven.
<NewTasksEstimated> Optional Indicates whether new tasks have estimated durations.
<SplitsInProgressTasks> Optional Indicates whether in-progress tasks may be split.
<SpreadActualCost> Optional Indicates whether actual costs are spread to the status date.
<SpreadPercentComplete> Optional Indicates whether percent complete is spread to the status date.
<TaskUpdatesResource> Optional Indicates whether updates to tasks update resources.
<FiscalYearStart> Optional Indicates whether fiscal year numbering is used.
<WeekStartDay> Optional The start day of the week.
<MoveCompletedEndsBack> Optional Indicates whether the end of completed portions of tasks scheduled to begin after the status date, but begun early, should be moved back to the status date.
<MoveRemainingStartsBack> Optional Indicates whether the beginning of remaining portions of tasks scheduled to begin after the status date, but begun early, should be moved back to the status date.
<MoveRemainingStartsForward> Optional Indicates whether the beginning of remaining portions of tasks scheduled to have begun late should be moved up to the status date.
<MoveCompletedEndsForward> Optional Indicates whether the end of completed portions of tasks scheduled to have been completed before the status date, but begun late, should be moved up to the status date.
<BaselineForEarnedValue> Optional The specific baseline used to calculate Variance values.
<AutoAddNewResourcesAndTasks> Optional Indicates whether to automatically add new resources to the resource pool.
<StatusDate> Optional Date used for calculation and reporting.
<CurrentDate> Optional The system date that the XML was generated.
<MicrosoftProjectServerURL> Optional Indicates whether the project was created by a Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 user or a Microsoft Windows NT user.
<Autolink> Optional Indicates whether to autolink inserted or moved tasks.
<NewTaskStartDate> Optional The default start date for a new task.
<DefaultTaskEVMethod> Optional The default earned value method for tasks.
<ProjectExternallyEdited> Optional Indicates whether the project was edited externally.
<ExtendedCreationDate> Optional Date used for calculation and reporting.
<ActualsInSync> Optional Indicates whether all actual work has been synchronized with the project.
<RemoveFileProperties> Optional Indicates whether to remove all file properties on save.
<AdminProject> Optional Indicates whether the project is an administrative project.
<OutlineCodes> Optional The collection of outline code definitions associated with the project; these codes may be associated with any number of projects.
<WBSMasks> Optional The table of entries that define an outline code mask.
<ExtendedAttributes> Optional The collection of extended attribute (custom field) definitions associated with a project.
<Calendars> Optional The collection of calendars associated with the project.
<Tasks> Optional The collection of tasks that make up the project.
<Resources> Optional The collection of resources that make up the project.
<Assignments> Optional The collection of assignments that make up the project.

See Also

XML Schema for the <Project> Element
XML Structure for the <Project> Element


Note   You will experience a rounding error with the <MoveCompletedEndsBack>, <MoveRemainingStartsBack>, <MoveRemainingStartsForward>, and <MoveCompletedEndsForward> elements. The internal work values for these elements have eight digits; they will lose .001 seconds for every minute, causing a rounding error.