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McuSession Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Encapsulates common MCU operations and events.

The McuSession type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method McuSession Creates a new instance of the McuSession class.



  Name Description
Public property ConferenceSession Gets the parent ConferenceSession object.
Public property McuInformation Gets information about the MCU including the MCU address or null if the MCU session is not bound to a conference (The parent ConferenceSession has not joined a conference yet, or the joined conference does not support the corresponding MCU type).
Public property State Gets the state of the MCU as communicated by the focus.
Public property SupportedMediaTypes Gets the media types supported by the MCU type.



  Name Description
Protected method BeginDialOut Sends a request to MCU to initiate a call to the supplied destination URI.
Public method BeginEject(String, AsyncCallback, Object) Ejects a participant or an endpoint from the MCU based on the supplied URI.
Public method BeginEject(ConversationParticipant, AsyncCallback, Object) Ejects a participant from the MCU.
Public method BeginEject(String, EjectOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Ejects a participant or an endpoint from the MCU based on the supplied URI.
Public method BeginEject(ConversationParticipant, EjectOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Ejects a participant from the MCU.
Protected method BeginSendCommand(ConferenceCommand, AsyncCallback, Object) Send a request to the MCU via the focus.
Protected method BeginSendCommand(ConferenceCommand, ConferenceCommandOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Send a request to the MCU via the focus.
Protected method BeginTransfer Transfers an established two party call to the MCU.
Protected method EndDialOut Waits for the pending operation to complete.
Public method EndEject Waits for the pending eject operation to complete.
Protected method EndSendCommand Waits for the pending send command to complete.
Protected method EndTransfer Waits for the pending operation to complete.
Public method Equals (inherited from Object)
Protected method Finalize (inherited from Object)
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object)
Public method GetLocalParticipantEndpoints Gets a snapshot collection of the endpoints used by the local participant to communicate with the MCU.
Public method GetRemoteParticipantEndpoints Gets a snapshot collection of the endpoints used by remote participants to communicate with the MCU.
Public method GetType (inherited from Object)
Protected method HandleParticipantEndpointAttendanceChanged Notification that a participant endpoint(s) has left or joined the MCU.
Protected method HandleParticipantEndpointPropertiesChanged Process updated MCU participant endpoint properties.
Protected method HandlePropertiesChanged Process updated session properties.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)
Protected method RaiseAttendanceChanged<TProperties> Raises a attendance changed event on behalf of the derived class.
Protected method RaiseSessionParticipantPropertyChanged<TProperties> Raises a property changed event for the McuSessionParticipant.
Protected method RaiseSessionPropertyChanged<TProperties> Raises a property changed event on behalf of the derived class.
Protected method ResetCore Resets the McuSession instance for reuse.
Public methodStatic member ToRealTimeAddress Converts this McuSession object to the MCU address for dial in purposes.
Public method ToString Returns a String that represents the current McuSession. (Overrides Object.ToString().)
Protected method TryGetParticipantEndpointProperties Gets the basic properties for a participant endpoint in the MCU.



  Name Description
Public event StateChanged Raised when the MCU state changes are reported back to the application.



  Name Description
Public operatorStatic member Implicit(McuSession to RealTimeAddress) Converts this McuSession object to the MCU address for dial in purposes.


See Also


McuSession Class

Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration Namespace