Transfer a Call - Supervised Transfer (QuickStart)
Sample name: CallTransferSupervised
Sample location: %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft UCMA 3.0\SDK\Core\Sample Applications\QuickStarts\CallTransferSupervised
The application represents three users, referred to in this description, referred to as transferee, transferor, and transfer targety. The transferor places audio calls to both transferee and transfer target, After the calls are accepted and connect successfully, the transferor executes a supervised transfer from transferee to the transfer target. In doing so, the original calls that the transferor had with the transferee and transfer target are terminated, and a new call directly between transferee and transfer target is established. The transferor then drops out of the communication. The application prints log messages to the console, and then quits, shutting the platform down normally.
Call transfer, and established call activities
Basic call placement
Basic incoming audio/video call use
AudioVideoFlow handling and control
Microsoft Lync Server 2010.
Three users, enabled to use the Lync Server 2010.
The credentials for each user, and a client capable of signing in to Lync Server 2010.
A client signed in to Lync Server 2010.
Running the Sample
Supply the user credentials in the accompanying app.config file, or you will be prompted for them when you run the sample.
Open the project in Microsoft Visual Studio, and then press F5.