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Walkthrough: Forward an Audio Conversation (Lync 2010 SDK)

To forward an incoming audio conversation, you must obtain the AVModality on the conversation. You forward an audio conversation to either a Contact instance representing the person receiving the transferred call or a ContactEndpoint representing a user phone. The conversation is forwarded by calling into BeginForward on the AVModality and pass the Contact or ContactEndpoint as the first argument of the method.

The forwarding feature described in this walkthrough does not create a set of call routing rules to be published on behalf of the local user. Instead, the walkthrough implements client-side logic that responds to a previously routed call by forwarding to another user.


When forwarding or transferring a conversation using the audio/video modality, the instant messaging modality is connected to the target participant automatically. When a call is transferred or forwarded to a public switch telephone network (PSTN) telephone, video and IM are disconnected and cannot be re-connected.

Forwarding an Audio Conversation

  1. Define an event callback method to handle the ConversationAdded event raised when an audio conversation is received.

  2. Get the LyncClient instance. Verify that the client is signed in to the server. For information about signing in to Microsoft Lync Server 2010, see Walkthrough: Sign In to Lync (Lync 2010 SDK).

  3. Register for the ConversationAdded event on the ConversationManager instance.

Handling Conversation Events

  1. Check the State of the audio/video modality on the new conversation triggering the event. If the state is ModalityState.Notified then you can forward the new conversation.

  2. Check the availability of the ModalityAction.Forward on the audio/video modality of the new conversation by calling into CanInvoke on the modality. If true is returned, you can forward the conversation.


    If forwarding to one of the local user’s phones, get the appropriate Phone instance by calling into GetPhone. You read the Endpoint property to get a ContactEndpoint that is passed into BeginForward.

    If forwarding to another user, get the appropriate Contact or ContactEndpoint instance. Call into Forward and pass the Contact instance obtained in the previous step.


Class Field Declarations

        private LyncClient _LyncClient;

ConversationAdded Event

The following example handles the ConversationAdded event by forwarding any incoming audio conversation to a specified phone number.


The example only illustrates the walkthrough tasks used to forward a call. For an example of a complete event handler, see Walkthrough: Start an Audio Conversation (Lync 2010 SDK).

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles ConversationAdded state change event raised on ConversationsManager
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">ConversationsManager The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="data">ConversationsManagerEventArgs The event data. The incoming Conversation is obtained here.</param>
        void ConversationsManager_ConversationAdded(ConversationsManager source, ConversationsManagerEventArgs data)
            if (data.Conversation.Modalities[ModalityTypes.AudioVideo].State == ModalityState.Notified)
                Contact _ForwardContact = _LyncClient.ContactManager.GetContactByUri("TEL:+14255551212");
                object[] asyncState = { data.Conversation.Modalities[ModalityTypes.AudioVideo], "FORWARD" };
                data.Conversation.Modalities[ModalityTypes.AudioVideo].BeginForward(_ForwardContact, ModalityCallback, asyncState);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called on the LyncClient worker thread when an audio/video modality action completes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ar">IAsyncResult. The state of the asynchronous operation.</param>
        private void ModalityCallback(IAsyncResult ar)

            Object[] asyncState = (Object[])ar.AsyncState;
                if (ar.IsCompleted == true)
                    if (asyncState[1].ToString() == "RETRIEVE")
                    if (asyncState[1].ToString() == "HOLD")
                    if (asyncState[1].ToString() == "CONNECT")
                    if (asyncState[1].ToString() == "FORWARD")
            catch (LyncPlatformException)
            { }

See Also


Lync Model API Conversation Walkthroughs (Lync 2010 SDK)