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lockdiscovery Field

lockdiscovery Field

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The lockdiscovery field contains the list of active locks on a resource. This field is read-only.

Full Name


Content Class


Named Constant


Variant Subtype

[Visual Basic] String

[C++] BSTR




Contains a listing of who has a lock, the type of lock, the timeout type and time remaining on the lock, and the associated lock token. The server is free to withhold any or all of this information if the requesting principal does not have sufficient access rights to the requested data. You cannot search for this property because it is a calculated value.


The following is an example of a response of a WebDAVPROPFIND Method being used to retrieve the lockdiscovery field:


HTTP/1.1 207 Mulit-Status Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8" Content-Length: xxxx

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <D:multistatus xmlns:D='DAV:'> <D:response> <D:href></D:href> <D:propstat> <D:prop> <D:lockdiscovery> <D:activelock> <D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype> <D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope> <D:depth>0</D:depth> <D:owner>James Smith</D:owner> <D:timeout>Infinite</D:timeout> <D:locktoken> <D:href>opaquelocktoken:f81de2ad-7f3d-a1b3-4f3c-00a0c91a9d76</D:href> </D:locktoken> </D:activelock> </D:lockdiscovery> </D:prop> <D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status> </D:propstat> </D:response> </D:multistatus>

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