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Retrieving Folder Tree URLs

Retrieving Folder Tree URLs

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

Folder tree URLs are required for various store management operations. The following code will locate a folder tree by name on an Exchange 2000 server. It will return the full URL, which you can use when creating a store.

Visual Basic

'// Name:       GetFolderTreeURL
'// Purpose:    To get the Folder Tree Hierarchies URL
'// Input:      strComputerName = contains the name of the Exchange 2000 Server
'//             strFHName = containes the name of the Folder Tree Hierarchy to be found
'// Output:     Nothing
'// Notes:      The subroutine is useful for checking to see if this folder tree url
'//             is already in use.  Also it is useful when creating a new
'//             public or mailbox store (since they require a folder tree URL).

Public Sub GetFolderTreeURL(ByVal strComputerName As String, _
                                               ByRef strFHName As String)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim RootDSE     As IADs
    Dim conf        As IADs

    Dim conn        As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim comm        As New ADODB.Command
    Dim rs          As ADODB.Recordset

    'Get the default IExchangeServer interface
    Dim iServer         As New CDOEXM.ExchangeServer

    Dim strPath         As String
    Dim strDSAdminName  As String
    Dim strDSAdminPass  As String
    Dim strDNFolder     As String

    strFHName = ""

    ' Bind to the Exchange Server
    iServer.DataSource.Open strComputerName

    Set RootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://" + iServer.DirectoryServer + "/RootDSE")
    strPath = "LDAP://" & iServer.DirectoryServer & "/" & RootDSE.Get("configurationNamingContext")

    ' Set the Provider for the connection object
    conn.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"

    'You will need to provide login credentials if you are not logged in
    'with an administrator security context.

    ' Open connection

    ' Set command to connection object
    Set comm.ActiveConnection = conn

    comm.CommandText = "<" & strPath & ">" & ";(objectClass=msExchPFTree);ADsPath,distinguishedName,Name;subtree"

    ' Execute command
    Set rs = comm.Execute

    ' Get the Default FolderTreeHierarcy
    Do While Not (rs.EOF)
        'You can print access folder tree information here
        'Debug.Print rs.Fields("ADsPath").Value
        'Debug.Print rs.Fields("distinguishedName")
        'Debug.Print rs.Fields("Name")
        strDNFolder = rs.Fields("distinguishedName")
        'cut the folder name to get the Folder Hierarchies
        strFHName = Mid(strDNFolder, InStr(2, strDNFolder, "CN="))
        If strFHName <> "" Then
            Exit Do
        End If
    ' test if the URL to the FolderTreeHierarcy is empty
    If strFHName = "" Then
        Debug.Print "No Folder Hierarchy Name Found."
    End If

    Set RootDSE = Nothing
    Set conf = Nothing

    Set conn = Nothing
    Set comm = Nothing
    Set rs = Nothing
    Set iServer = Nothing

End Sub

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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