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Exchange_DSAccessDC Class

Exchange_DSAccessDC Class

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The properties of the Exchange_DSAccessDC class provide information about Microsoft® Active Directory® and Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 domain controllers that are accessible to the Exchange 2000 Server DSAccess service.




The ExchangeDsAccessProvider supplies instances of the Exchange_DSAccessDC class.


The Exchange_DSAccessDC class extends the CIM_LogicalElement class.





Property Description
Name Property
 required] string Name = NULL;

The Name property specifies the computer name of the domain controller. When you are creating new DSAccessDC instances, or retrieving a specific DSAccessDC instance, the Name property is required.

Type Property
 Values{"Configuration Domain Controller",
   "Local Domain Controller", "Global Catalog"},
 ValueMap{"0", "1", "2"}] uint32 Type;

The Type property indicates the role that the domain controller plays in the Exchange system.

ConfigurationType Property
 Values{"Manual", "Automatic"},
 ValueMap{"0", "1"}] uint32 ConfigurationType;

The ConfigurationType property indicates whether the instance describes a domain controller that was detected automatically, or one that was specified manually.

IsFast Property
[read] boolean IsFast;

The IsFast property indicates, when True, that the domain controller response time has been less than two seconds.

IsInSync Property
[read] boolean IsInSync;

The IsInSync property indicates whether the domain controller is synchronized with the Global Catalog server and with the Configuration domain controller.

IsUp Property
[read] boolean IsUp;

The IsUp property indicates whether the domain controller was available the last time Exchange attempted to access it.

LDAPPort Property
[read, write] uint32 LDAPPort;

The LDAPPort property specifies the TCP/IP port on which the domain controller listens for LDAP requests.


This class has no methods.


Instances of this class specify to the computer running Exchange 2000 Server which Active Directory domain controllers can be used to obtain configuration and user information. This WMI class can be used to add domain controller entries for the DSAccess service, as well as to retrieve information about the domain controllers that have already been specified.

When creating or updating instances of this class using PutInstance, the Name Property, Type Property, and other properties are verified correct. If the named computer is not a Active Directory domain controller, or is not of the specified Type, PutInstance will fail.

Instances of this class can be deleted by calling obj.Delete_ on each instance with a ConfigurationType=0 (manual).


This class has no associations.

VBScript Example

The following example shows how to retrieve a list of Exchange_DSAccessDC instances, and how to retrieve all of the properties on the instances.

' Name:      ShowExchange_DSAccessDC_AllProperties
' Purpose:   Display each Exchange_DSAccessDC found for the
'            specified Exchange server, and show all
'            properties on the Exchange_DSAccessDC
'            instances
' Input:     strComputerName [string] the computer to access
' Output:    Displays the name of each Exchange_DSAccessDC and
'            properties
Public Sub ShowExchange_DSAccessDC_AllProperties ( strComputerName )

Const cWMINameSpace = "root/MicrosoftExchangeV2"
Const cWMIInstance = "Exchange_DSAccessDC"

Dim strWinMgmts              ' Connection string for WMI
Dim objWMIExchange           ' Exchange Namespace WMI object
Dim listExchange_DSAccessDCs ' Exchange_DSAccessDC collection
Dim objExchange_DSAccessDC   ' A single Exchange_DSAccessDC instance

' Create the object string, indicating WMI (winmgmts), using the
' current user credentials (impersonationLevel=impersonate),
' on the computer passed to the function in strComputerName, and
' using the CIM namespace for the Exchange_DSAccessDC provider.
strWinMgmts = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//" & _
   strComputerName & "/" & cWMINameSpace
' Get an object using the string you just created.
Set objWMIExchange =  GetObject(strWinMgmts)
' The instances appear as a list of Exchange_DSAccessDC
' instances in the Exchange namespace.
Set listExchange_DSAccessDCs = objWMIExchange.InstancesOf(cWMIInstance)
' Iterate through the list of Exchange_DSAccessDC objects.
For each objExchange_DSAccessDC in listExchange_DSAccessDCs
   ' Display the value of the Name property.
   WScript.echo "Name = " & _
    "[" & TypeName(objExchange_DSAccessDC.Name) & "] " & _
   ' Display the value of the Type property.
   WScript.echo "    Type              = [" & _
     TypeName(objExchange_DSAccessDC.Type) & "] " & _
   ' Display the value of the ConfigurationType property.
   WScript.echo "    ConfigurationType = [" & _
     TypeName(objExchange_DSAccessDC.ConfigurationType) & "] " & _
   ' Display the value of the DirectoryType property.
   WScript.echo "    DirectoryType     = [" & _
     TypeName(objExchange_DSAccessDC.DirectoryType) & "] " & _
   ' Display the value of the IsFast property.
   WScript.echo "    IsFast            = [" & _
     TypeName(objExchange_DSAccessDC.IsFast) & "] " & _
   ' Display the value of the IsInSync property.
   WScript.echo "    IsInSync          = [" & _
     TypeName(objExchange_DSAccessDC.IsInSync) & "] " & _
   ' Display the value of the IsUp property.
   WScript.echo "    IsUp              = [" & _
     TypeName(objExchange_DSAccessDC.IsUp) & "] " & _
   ' Display the value of the LDAPPort property.
   WScript.echo "    LDAPPort          = [" & _
     TypeName(objExchange_DSAccessDC.LDAPPort) & "] " & _

   ' Display the value of the AsyncConnectionCount property.
   WScript.echo "    LDAPPort          = [" & _
     TypeName(objExchange_DSAccessDC.AsyncConnectionCount) & "] " & _
   ' Display the value of the SyncConnectionCount property.
   WScript.echo "    LDAPPort          = [" & _
     TypeName(objExchange_DSAccessDC.SyncConnectionCount) & "] " & _
   ' Move to the next Exchange_DSAccessDC.
end Sub

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This topic last updated: December 2006

Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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