Compartir a través de

IContact Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The IContact type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Ff398112.pubmethod(en-us,OCS.14).gif MoveToGroup
Moves this contact from a source group to a target group.
Ff398112.pubmethod(en-us,OCS.14).gif CanMoveToGroup Returns true if a contact can be moved to a target group.
Ff398112.pubmethod(en-us,OCS.14).gif CanStart
Returns true if a given type of modality can be started on the contact.
Ff398112.pubmethod(en-us,OCS.14).gif CanChangeSetting
Returns true if a given setting can be changed on the contact.
Ff398112.pubmethod(en-us,OCS.14).gif CreateContactEndpoint
Creates a collaboration endpoint object from a telephone number. Used to start an audio conversation with a contact using a telephone.
Ff398112.pubmethod(en-us,OCS.14).gif GetContactInformation
Gets one presence item from a publishing contact.
Ff398112.pubmethod(en-us,OCS.14).gif BatchGetContactInformation
Gets multiple presence items from a publishing contact
Ff398112.pubmethod(en-us,OCS.14).gif GetOrganizationInformation
Gets the Organization Info of this contact.
Ff398112.pubmethod(en-us,OCS.14).gif ChangeSetting
Changes a setting associated with this contact.


  Name Description
Ff398112.pubproperty(en-us,OCS.14).gif Settings
Gets a collection of contact properties.
Ff398112.pubproperty(en-us,OCS.14).gif ContactManager
Gets the parent contact group manager of this contact.
Ff398112.pubproperty(en-us,OCS.14).gif CustomGroups
Gets a collection of groups that the contact is a member of.
Ff398112.pubproperty(en-us,OCS.14).gif Uri
Gets the contact URI.

See Also

IContact Interface

UCCollaborationLib Namespace