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Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Configuration.Unity Namespace

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  Class Description
Public class InjectionValidationSource
An object that can be passed to RegisterType(Type, Type, String, LifetimeManager, array<InjectionMember[]) in order to specify where validation comes from: config, attribute, data annotations, or some combination thereof.
Public class ValidationBlockExtension
A UnityContainerExtension that allows the container to directly resolve Validator<T> instances.
Public class ValidationSpecificationSourcePolicy
A small objectbuilder policy used to pass the requested ValidationSpecificationSource along to the ValidatorCreationStrategy.
Public class ValidatorCreationStrategy
A BuilderStrategy for Unity that lets the container resolve Validator<T> objects directly.
Public class ValidatorDependencyAttribute
An attribute used when injecting dependencies that are Validator<T> that allows you to specify the ruleset and an optional ValidationSpecificationSource.
Public class ValidatorParameter
An InjectionParameterValue class that can be passed as the value for a dependency in the Unity RegisterType API.
Public class ValidatorParameter<T>
A version of ValidatorParameter that lets you specify the type to validate using generic syntax.
Public class ValidatorResolver
A IDependencyResolverPolicy object that will resolve a Validator<T>.