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Core Profile Schema

Core Profile Schema

Although writing to the Microsoft® .NET Passport core profile attributes using Passport Manager methods is no longer supported, you can still use these methods to request profile information.

Querying Attributes of the Core Profile

The attribute name (in these examples, Nickname) must match an attribute name given for the core profile in the Component Configuration Document (CCD). Querying for a nonexistent attribute generates an error at run time. For a list of core profile attributes, see Core Profile Table.

(VBScript or C++) To query an attribute of the core profile, use the Profile property of the Passport Manager object. The following is an example for Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript):

Set oMgr = Server.CreateObject("Passport.Manager")
Response.Write ("nickname = " & oMgr.Profile("nickname"))

(C#) To query an attribute of the core profile, use the GetProfileObject method PassportIdentity object. The following is an example:

oMgr = (PassportIdentity)User.Identity;
Response.Write ("nickname = " + oMgr.GetProfileObject("nickname"));

Updates to the CCD File and the Core Profile Schema

The attributes listed in the Core Profile Table supplied with this software development kit (SDK) are not an unchanging list. Although attributes can never be removed from the core profile, attributes can be added by making a change at the domain authority and then perpetuating updated CCD files to each participating site using the built-in update capabilities of the Passport Manager object. Any attribute that appears in the CCD can then be queried; any core profile cookie for a user is guaranteed to have a value for the newly added attribute. Check your CCD file periodically to see if any additions have been made to core profile attributes. The CCD does not define any changes made to an extended profile, although a newly added attribute may in fact be the versionNumber pointer to a new extended profile type.

See Also

Manager.Profile | Component Configuration Document