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This method decrypts data encrypted with the Encrypt method, using the same key.


Function Crypt.Decrypt(rawData) As String


  • rawData
    The data to be decrypted, in the form of a string.

Return values

Data decrypted using the Microsoft® .NET Passport participant key for the current site, as a string.


The following Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) example shows the Compress, Encrypt, Decrypt, and Decompress methods can be used together for transmittal of an encrypted string. In this example, a string is compressed, encrypted, decrypted, and finally decompressed. The displayed string is the same as the original string.

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
'Create a Passport object
Dim oMgr
Set oMgr = Server.CreateObject("Passport.Manager")
Dim oCrypt
Set oCrypt = Server.CreateObject("Passport.Crypt")
Dim thisURL
thisURL="https://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
If oMgr.IsAuthenticated(3600,False,False) then
 'Set the sign-out URL - return to the Default.asp
 ruURL = Server.URLEncode ("https://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & "/Brief/default.asp")
 'Set the sign-in URL - stay on this page
 ruURL = thisURL
End if
Response.Write ("<DIV Style = 'position:absolute; right:50px'>" & oMgr.LogoTag2(ruURL,3600,False,"nada",1033,False) & "</DIV>")
If oMgr.IsAuthenticated(3600,False,False) Then
 Response.Write ("You are authenticated")
 'Define and display original string
 Dim mystring
 mystring = "This is a string to be compressed, encrypted, transmitted, decrypted, and finally decompressed."
 Response.Write ("<br>Original string: " & mystring)

 'Compress and Encrypt the string
 mystring = oCrypt.Compress(mystring)
 mystring = oCrypt.Encrypt(mystring)

 'This is where the encrypted string would be transmitted over the wire

 'Decrypt, Decompress, and display the string
 mystring = oCrypt.Decrypt(mystring)
 mystring = oCrypt.Decompress(mystring)
 Response.Write ("<br>Reconstructed string: " & mystring)

 Response.Write ("<br>You have not been authenticated within the last hour. Please sign in or exit.")
End If

The preceding example results in an page that looks similar to the following; 

Original string: This is a string to be compressed, encrypted, transmitted, decrypted, and finally decompressed.
Reconstructed string: This is a string to be compressed, encrypted, transmitted, decrypted, and finally decompressed.


After the Encrypt method is executed, the Decrypt method must be called to make the data readable.

Note  An empty (NULL) input returns a NULL. Attempting to decrypt a blob larger than 5498 bytes will fail. The Encrypt method is limited to a blob size of 2045 bytes and will also fail if attempting to encrypt that amount of data.

See Also

Passport Crypt Object | Crypt.Compress | Crypt.Decompress | Crypt.Encrypt