Context-Sensitive Cobranding
Microsoft® .NET Passport allows you to provide different cobranding text and graphics depending on which of the .NET Passport service pages a user is viewing. For example, cobranding on a "bad password" sign-in error page can be different from that on an "unknown user" error page.
To accomplish context-sensitive cobranding, two query string parameters are passed to your cobranding template file when it is called from one of the .NET Passport service pages. The PP_SERVICE parameter indicates whether the user is on a Registration page, a Login page, or one of the Member Services pages. The possible values for the PP_SERVICE parameter are shown in the following table.
A second parameter, PP_PAGE, indicates from which specific page the cobranding template is being called. Within your cobranding template JavaScript file, you can evaluate the PP_PAGE and PP_SERVICE parameters to specify separate HTML content for each type of service or for individual service pages.
The PP_PAGE parameter is associated with another .NET Passport feature called Pane Help. Each PP_PAGE value is equivalent to the Pane Help keyword for each page. This allows you to cobrand the page and, when appropriate, call the correct context-sensitive Help topics. For more information, see Implementing Pane Help in .NET Passport.
PP_PAGE Values Sorted By PP_SERVICE Group
The following pages and corresponding PP_PAGE parameters belong to PP_SERVICE=registration.
Page name | PP_PAGE parameter and Pane Help keyword (H_KEY) |
Registration | ppRegEASI |
Registration | ppRegEASIErr |
Registration | ppRegEASIcookie (Note Not handled.) |
Registration | ppRegEASIcookieErr (Note Not handled.) |
Registration | ppRegNonEASI |
Registration | ppRegNonEASIErr |
Registration | ppRegNonEASIAltNames |
Congratulations | ppRegCongrats |
You are already signed in | ppExpLoggedIn |
Parent is not signed in | ppExpParentNotLoggedIn |
Unknown server error | ppExpUnknownSerErr |
Complete your Passport registration | ppExistingMember |
The following pages and corresponding PP_PAGE parameters belong to PP_SERVICE=login.
Page name | PP_PAGE parameter and Pane Help keyword (H_KEY) |
Please sign in | ppLogin |
Please try again later | ppLockedOut |
Account Locked | ppAcctLocked |
Cookies disabled | ppCookiesDisabled |
Invalid Site ID | ppInvalidSiteID |
Need birth date | ppNeedBirthDate |
Switch User | ppSwitchUser |
ErrMemberNotExist | ppErrMemberNotExist |
Passport Partner error | ppTooManyReqs |
Sign out | ppLogout |
Your e-mail address is managed | ppDelegated Admin |
Please sign in | ppNeedCred |
Please sign in | ppNeedMembername |
Please sign in | ppNeedPassword |
Please sign in | ppNeedDomain |
Please sign in | ppBadPswd |
Please sign in | ppBadChar |
Please sign in | ppBadMembername |
Please sign in | ppHMMSNLogin |
Please sign in | ppChkSpell |
The following pages and corresponding PP_PAGE parameters belong to PP_SERVICE=memberservices.
Page name | PP_PAGE parameter and Pane Help keyword (H_KEY) |
Reset your password (Step 1) | ppPswdReset1 |
Reset your password (Step 1) | ppPswdReset1Err |
Reset your password (Step 2) | ppPswdReset2 |
Reset your password (Step 2) | ppPswdReset2Err |
Password reset canceled | ppPswdResetLockout |
Password reset | ppPswdResetSucc |
Reset your password by e-mail | ppEmailPswdReset |
Password reset e-mail sent | ppEmailPswdResetSent |
Reset your password | ppEmailPswdReset2 |
Cannot reset password by e-mail | ppEmailPswdResetNotPoss |
Password reset canceled | ppEmailPswdResetCancl |
Change your secret question | ppChangeSQ |
Change your secret question | ppChangeSQErr |
Secret question changed | ppChangeSQSucc |
Change your Password | ppChangePW |
Change your Password | ppChangePWErr |
Password changed | ppChangePWSucc |
Change your e-mail address | ppChangeEmail |
Change your e-mail address | ppChangeEmailErr |
E-mail address changed | ppChangeEmailSucc |
Please change your e-mail address | ppForceChangeEmail |
Please change your e-mail address | ppForceChangeEmailErr |
Change phone number and PIN | ppChangePhone |
Change phone number and PIN | ppChangePhoneErr |
Phone number and PIN changed | ppChangePhoneSucc |
Your Passport profile | ppEditProf |
Your Passport profile | ppEditProfErr |
Profile updated | ppEditProfSucc |
Passport Member Services | ppMemServHome |
Add your phone number | ppAddPhone |
Add your phone number | ppAddPhoneErr |
Phone number added | ppAddPhoneSucc |
Contact Us | ppContactUs |
Support request received | ppContactUsSucc |
Contact Us Hotmail | ppContactUs |
Support request received Hotmail | ppContactUsSucc |
Language-Specific Cobranding
In addition to the PP_PAGE and PP_SERVICE query string parameters, Microsoft .NET Passport will also provide a parameter called lid. This value of this parameter is the same as the value of the lang_id parameter of the Passport Manager function call that directed the user to the .NET Passport service page. For more information, see Language Support.