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Test Site

Test Site

A default setup of the Microsoft® .NET Passport Software Development Kit (SDK) that installs the Passport Manager object also installs a test site. This test site contains a few simple Active Server Pages (ASP) pages that instantiate a Passport Manager object and check its basic operation. The test site is installed on your server to the following virtual directory.

https://[your server]/PassportTest

To check Passport Manager installation

  1. Make sure that Microsoft® Internet Information Services (IIS) and the Web site containing the PassportTest virtual root are running.

  2. If the EventMon utility is not already running on the server, click Start, point to Programs, then to Administration Tools, and then to Event Viewer.

    Look at the application events, which are often useful for troubleshooting the Passport Manager installation.

  3. From the server or another computer, go to

    https://[your server]/PassportTest/default.asp.

    You should see a .NET Passport link instructing you to sign in. If not, check EventMon, and use the generated events to attempt to troubleshoot the problem. For more information, see Troubleshooting: Windows NT Events.

    Note  Use your Preproduction (PREP) .NET Passport to sign in to the test site. For more information, see .NET Passport Environments.

  4. After you have signed in, you should be able to see core profile information for the currently signed-in user. If your site does not yet have a Site ID, some of this will be default information; the full core profile is not accessible until your site registers as a .NET Passport participating site and receives a Site ID and site-specific encryption key. For more information, see Registering Your .NET Passport Site.

See Also

Installing the .NET Passport SDK and Passport Manager | Test Mode