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The WM_CAP_SET_SCALE message enables or disables scaling of the preview video images. If scaling is enabled, the captured video frame is stretched to the dimensions of the capture window. You can send this message explicitly or by using the capPreviewScale macro.

wParam = (WPARAM) (BOOL)f; 
lParam = 0L; 



Preview scaling flag. Specify TRUE for this parameter to stretch preview frames to the size of the capture window or FALSE to display them at their natural size.

Return Values

Returns TRUE if successful or FALSE otherwise.


Scaling preview images controls the immediate presentation of captured frames within the capture window. It has no effect on the size of the frames saved to file.

Scaling has no effect when using overlay to display video in the frame buffer.


**  Windows NT/2000/XP:** Included in Windows NT 3.1 and later.
**  Windows 95/98/Me:** Included in Windows 95 and later.
**  Header:** Declared in Vfw.h.

See Also

Video Capture, Video Capture Messages, capPreviewScale