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Sequencer Errors

The following additional return values are defined for MCI sequencers:

Value Meaning
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE The time formats of the "song pointer" and SMPTE are singular. You can't use them together.
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT This system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI driver.
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then, try again.
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper from the Control Panel to edit the setup.
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR An error occurred with specified port.
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device.
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED The system does not have a current MIDI port specified.
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of these applications; then, try again.