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The MIDIOUTCAPS structure describes the capabilities of a MIDI output device.

typedef struct { 
    WORD      wMid; 
    WORD      wPid; 
    MMVERSION vDriverVersion; 
    TCHAR     szPname[MAXPNAMELEN]; 
    WORD      wTechnology; 
    WORD      wVoices; 
    WORD      wNotes; 
    WORD      wChannelMask; 
    DWORD     dwSupport; 



Manufacturer identifier of the device driver for the MIDI output device. Manufacturer identifiers are defined in Manufacturer and Product Identifiers.


Product identifier of the MIDI output device. Product identifiers are defined in Manufacturer and Product Identifiers.


Version number of the device driver for the MIDI output device. The high-order byte is the major version number, and the low-order byte is the minor version number.


Product name in a null-terminated string.


Type of the MIDI output device. This value can be one of the following:

Value Device type
MOD_MIDIPORT MIDI hardware port.
MOD_SYNTH Synthesizer.
MOD_SQSYNTH Square wave synthesizer.
MOD_FMSYNTH FM synthesizer.
MOD_MAPPER Microsoft MIDI mapper.
MOD_WAVETABLE Hardware wavetable synthesizer.
MOD_SWSYNTH Software synthesizer.


Number of voices supported by an internal synthesizer device. If the device is a port, this member is not meaningful and is set to 0.


Maximum number of simultaneous notes that can be played by an internal synthesizer device. If the device is a port, this member is not meaningful and is set to 0.


Channels that an internal synthesizer device responds to, where the least significant bit refers to channel 0 and the most significant bit to channel 15. Port devices that transmit on all channels set this member to 0xFFFF.


Optional functionality supported by the device. It can be one or more of the following:


Supports patch caching.


Supports separate left and right volume control.


Provides direct support for the midiStreamOut function.


Supports volume control.

If a device supports volume changes, the MIDICAPS_VOLUME flag will be set for the dwSupport member. If a device supports separate volume changes on the left and right channels, both the MIDICAPS_VOLUME and the MIDICAPS_LRVOLUME flags will be set for this member.


**  Windows NT/2000/XP:** Included in Windows NT 3.1 and later.
**  Windows 95/98/Me:** Included in Windows 95 and later.
**  Header:** Declared in Mmsystem.h; include Windows.h.
**  Unicode:** Declared as Unicode and ANSI structures.

See Also

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), MIDI Structures, midiStreamOut